View Full Version : Password Example

12-19-2009, 03:42 AM
Is there an actual example for password (End User Install) ? If so, which
I was just chastised by Friedrich for setting the password in a variable
and I am not sure what I am doing wrong, or right for that matter <g>
This programming thing is way above my head <g>

I am re browsing some stuff that Jane sent me, but I would be better off
an actual example of where you set the password.

Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro

12-19-2009, 03:43 AM
After much ado about nothing, I think I figured it out.
If I put the password in the password dialog box in Protect Install with
Password and check auto verify
then I don't need to do anything else,, how simple.

I was manually checking the password in the script

If %_SB_PASSWORD% does not equal to "BlaBlah" then
Display Message Box "Wrong"
Cycle Loop

What a waste of time and typing.... <g>
Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro