View Full Version : Remove after install

12-19-2009, 03:43 AM
I am using the latest SB7. I have created a very simple install. All it
does is put a file in a folder. I have checked the "Remove Installer After
Successfull Installation" checkbox. The remove process workes on XP but
does not seem to work on Windows 7. The file DOES get put in the proper
folder. But the installer does not get deleted.

The execution level is set to asInvoker.

I have tried running the installer as a user and as administrator but that
does not seem to make a difference.

Any ideas?



12-19-2009, 03:44 AM

> I am using the latest SB7. I have created a very simple install. All it
> does is put a file in a folder. I have checked the "Remove Installer After
> Successfull Installation" checkbox. The remove process workes on XP but
> does not seem to work on Windows 7. The file DOES get put in the proper
> folder. But the installer does not get deleted.
> The execution level is set to asInvoker.
> I have tried running the installer as a user and as administrator but that
> does not seem to make a difference.
> Any ideas?

If the installer has sufficient rights to remove itself from the folder then
it should also work fine if it is an "asInvoker" application.

The following works fine here on Win7 Ultimate 64-bit:


Of course, an asInvoker application can't delete itself if it is running
non-elevated and if it is located in a "protected" area.


12-19-2009, 03:44 AM
OK... Yours worked... I figured out my problem... I had the installer type
set to 32/64-bit Hybrid. When I changed to to 32-bit it worked.

Not sure I understand why that makes a difference. I set it to 32/64-bit
Hybrid because I was trying to make sure my install would work on both 32
-bit and 63-bit OS's. But setting it to 32-bit still worked on my 64-bit
Windows 7 PC.

Maybe you can shed some light on that setting?

Thank you for your time.


12-19-2009, 03:45 AM
I have just read the help on this. It kinda clears things up in that
basically it says I should use 32-bit. But... should it not still have
worked with the 32/64-bit setting?

Michael Melby

12-20-2009, 10:12 AM
Hi Mike,

> I have just read the help on this. It kinda clears things up in that
> basically it says I should use 32-bit. But... should it not still have
> worked with the 32/64-bit setting?

Yes, absolutely. I hope we have fixed this in the latest internal source


12-22-2009, 03:07 AM
Thank you.

Michael Melby