View Full Version : Code Signing - Window not "ok-ing"

12-31-2009, 02:18 AM
Windows 7
SB 7

this started yesterday.
I looked over my list all day trying to figure out what I
changed/installed/updated/patched... cannot find anything.
Before, all my code sign windows would auto fill in the pwd, and then auto
hit the ok.
very nice and simple.

Then, yesterday, it stopped hitting the ok. The codeSign Password window
comes up, fills in, and then just sits there.
I have made sure SB is the only thing running, and it still happens.

Has anyone else ever seen this?
Any ideas on what I did wrong and how I can fix it?
This is SOOO annoying!

Any help is appreciated!

12-31-2009, 02:19 AM
Are you talking about the places in the IDE where you specify to code-sign
the installer and/or to code-sign stuff you're installing?

Or during the compilation process, you have a window pop up and want a

If the latter, you're using signcode.exe instead of signtool. There's more
explanation in the CHM that installs with the example files. Ditch signcode
and switch to signtool.

Jane Fleming

12-31-2009, 02:20 AM
Oh... yea.... I forgot... THAT's the part that I changed... I re-installed
(that would be what changed signtool to signcode)

Please pardon me while I toss my pretty blond hair to and fro...

Actually, I guess this was more of a "senior moment", as my hair is more
gray than blond.
I seem to be having more and more of those of late.

Thank you Jane!

Glenn Paschal

12-31-2009, 02:21 AM
Um... Interestingly enough... When I installed the SDK, and then put
signtool into the File Locations/SignCode or SignTool Location,
Setupbuilder, save, then open my .sb7 and compile, SB crashes when it gets
to the code signing.

Set it back to SB SignCode, and now it auto-ok's the code sign password.

I think I may be loosing my mind.

Is it possible that the SDK is not Win7 compatible?

Glenn Paschal

12-31-2009, 02:22 AM
I have on semi-rare occasions had SB crash on code-signing.
For a while it was repeatable if I had no password entered for the PFX or
the wrong password.

But now it's just rare - every third occasion that the moonlight glints
through the Van Allen belt at the wrong angle.

Clean your mouse, then try signtool again <g>

Jane Fleming