View Full Version : Please, test my installer in W7

01-07-2010, 02:48 AM
I dont have W7 and some customers are detecting errors intalling and running
my system in it.
The system is for free so I cant spend money on it but... I need it works ok
in W7.
May you please test the inatallation in W7?
It´s in Spanish but I only need you to:
-Install it (the installer runs it)
-Click on "Aceptar" (ok) to the first message
-Click on "Cerrar" (close) on the "Acerca de" (About) window
-Try to add a record to the bPortfolio browse with the "Agregar" button
The installer is compiled with SB7.0.2680

Thanks in advance

01-07-2010, 02:49 AM
You can download it from:
Thanks again!

Alberto Michelis

01-08-2010, 02:47 AM
Hi Alberto

I've just tried clicking on the Insert button and it hangs on W7 64. Even as
I write this its still not responding.

I suspect its got something to do with where the TPS files are created, and
I also noticed your UPG.TPS is in the folder with your program files which
isnt going to work on Windows 7.

If you can you might want to check out the CSIDL path to store your tps in
either a users folder or a common data folder.

Anyway HTH



01-08-2010, 02:48 AM
Many Thanks!
What if I install all the program in a folder under the root?
Will it work with the .tps in the same folder?



01-08-2010, 02:48 AM

I am no great expert believe me but equally I have been here before, as all
of us have.

I would not even think about trying to use the root folder or anything else,
just use the golden rule I always do ..... If ANY file (data or ini)
requires WRITE access then install that to a CSIDL folder.

You may find it a lot of work and have to bite the bullet of towing the MS
line but believe me, from experience, it ain't worth trying to cut corners.

BTW I have found Win7 restricts acccess to the root folder anyway in some

Using SB7, all this is really easy but you are going to have to change your
code and probably dictionary to change the location of those data files at

Alternatively drop a line to Charles Edmunds as I think he has a template
that might help.



01-08-2010, 02:49 AM
Thanks John,
I cant aford Charles template, my app is for free.
Which of the %CSIDL_xxxxx variables of SB is the best for this?
May be I can write this dir in an ini file and then read it and use setpath
in my app to point to this dir.
This make sense?
Will it work in W2000,XP and Vista, etc?

01-08-2010, 02:50 AM
I personally use Common Documents because I want the data to be shared over
a netwrok. Others use different ones though.

I believe that the SB help file has references to these. Not sure about
using an ini file because that itself hasd to be located in a CSIDL folder
also probably.

I think you really need to sit down and work through the logic of it all. It
won't be easy or quick as I found but I am so glad I did. I spent more time
trying to work round it than just doing it the right way.


01-08-2010, 02:50 AM
If it helps here is what I do. Works for XP, Vista, Win7 etc. Never been a

In my FM3 embed (Start of Initialisation) I have:

!Set up operating path names
!Note: The data files will be prepended by \Data as defined in the full
filename in the dictionary
GLO:DataPath =
Clip(ds_GetFolderPath(WE::CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS)) & '\Ambrit
Software\Farriers Manager'
GLO:IniPath = clip(GLO:DataPath) & '\Ini'
GLO:OptionsPath = clip(GLO:IniPath) & '\Options.ini'
GLO:ReportsPath = clip(GLO:DataPath) & '\Reports'

System{PROP:DataPath} = clip(GLO:DataPath)

In the dictionary all my files have the filename set to 'Data\xyz.tps'

That takes care of setting the path at runtime.

The only templates needed are WinEvent and of course FM3.

Note how I also set the Ini path!

I chose Common_Documents as that allows shared data over a network but as
others have pointed out there are other options.



01-08-2010, 02:50 AM
Thank you very very much John !!!!


01-08-2010, 02:51 AM
One more question, speaking of share data over the net.

I use to install my soft in a server box and access it through the net just
creating a shotcut pointing to the exe running on that same dir.

If I break the dir in two, one per app and other per data, now I need to
share the new data dir, no problem.
The problem is I need to remember that location in the terminal box to set
it (the data dir) at runtime.
Which is the best way?
May be using COMMAND in the shotcut like

x:/MyApp.exe DataPath=w: ?


01-08-2010, 02:51 AM
I really am not sure about that one. I cannot help feeling that Charle's
template would be the perfect solution to this although I have not tried

I think you will still have an issue with the data path in your actual

I know you do not want to purchase anything and maybe someone more
experienced than me might be able to help?


01-08-2010, 02:53 AM

> May you please test the inatallation in W7?

Installed it on Win7 Ultimate 64-bit and the installer launched your

I see this (see attached screenshot). The .tps and .fdp files are located
on the Desktop.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-08-2010, 02:53 AM
THanks Friedrich!
Weird, Richard test it and the tps are created in the program folder... see
Richard Rose reply.
What if I force it to install in a folder under thr root?
Will it work with the tps files (included upg.tps) in the same folder?


01-08-2010, 02:54 AM

> Weird, Richard test it and the tps are created in the program folder...
> see Richard Rose reply.
> What if I force it to install in a folder under thr root?
> Will it work with the tps files (included upg.tps) in the same folder?

Your application always creates it in the currently active directory! If I
have the install executable on the Desktop and launch it, the currently
active folder is the Desktop folder and your program creates the files there
(not good!).

Or if I create c:\test and start your "PortItsetup.exe" from this folder,
your program creates all the files in the current directory, that is
c:\test. You should not do this!

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-08-2010, 02:54 AM
I´m very confused.
The SB installer ask for the directory to install the app and its suggesting
wich is normally
C:\Program Files\ARMi\PortIt
Why is it not installing to this folder?


01-08-2010, 02:55 AM
May be bacause I leave the default directory of the run statement blank?
May you please test it running it throug the windows menu?
And trying to add a record?

Alberto Michelis

01-08-2010, 02:56 AM
> May be bacause I leave the default directory of the run statement blank?
> :-((
> Sory
> May you please test it running it throug the windows menu?
> And trying to add a record?

Yes, I assume you can work-around this by setting the default directory in
the run statement. But this will not fix it in your program. The problem
is that you are doing something in your application that always writes to
the "current folder". You should never ever do this!

BTW, adding a record works fine here even if the .tps files are installed in
c:\test or the Desktop folder. But closing the application takes some time.
There is some "tab flickering" and then it seems to hang. But after 10+
seconds it closes down. I have tested this on three different Win7
machines, always with the same result.

Does this help?


01-08-2010, 02:56 AM
Thnks Friedrich!
I cant aford Charles template, my app is for free.
Which of the %CSIDL_xxxxx variables of SB is the best for this?
May be I can write this dir in an ini file with the installer, and then,
read it and use setpath in my app to point to this dir.
This make sense?
Will it work in W2000,XP and Vista, etc?

01-08-2010, 02:57 AM
Hi Alberto

These links might help you decide which folder to use.

I'm guessing that the becuase your data files would have been stored in the
folder with your app, you probably want to go for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA and
this link will help you get the path for this location.



01-08-2010, 02:57 AM

> I cant aford Charles template, my app is for free.
> Which of the %CSIDL_xxxxx variables of SB is the best for this?
> May be I can write this dir in an ini file with the installer, and then,
> read it and use setpath in my app to point to this dir.
> This make sense?
> Will it work in W2000,XP and Vista, etc?

Hmm, as I understand it, your application creates the .tps and .fdp files,
correct? So SetupBuilder can't help you here because you have to change
this in your application, not your installation.

If the .tps and .fdp files are the "global" database for your application
(and not application configuration files), I would suggest to store the
files in the shared documents location


01-08-2010, 02:58 AM
Hi Alberto

Only your UPG.TPS file (FM2/3) file was in the program folder. I didnt look
on the desktop but your tps files would have been created elsewhere as
Friedrich has said.

Which ever CSIDL folder you opt for you to store your main tps files will
need to install your FM2/3 upg.tps in the same folder as well.



01-09-2010, 03:09 AM
> One more question, speaking of share data over the net.


I agree with John's advice - get ProPath - even if you charge nothing for
this particular program - it will save you time, and of course, be
available to all your C6, C7 ABC projects.

Many developers beat themselves up over this data path management issue,
and ProPath is the answer for most.

Product Description - ProPath, MFG - LANSRAD
Internet Link - http://www.clarionproseries.com/html/propath.html


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01-12-2010, 01:18 PM
What if the user wants to install the program and data in a pen drive under

01-12-2010, 01:19 PM

You really DO need to look at Charles stuff! have not used it but I
understand all this is covered. End of headaches.


John Fligg