View Full Version : Embed UAC & Code Signing.

01-12-2010, 01:41 PM
Hi everyone... (especially Jane, as she will probably be my first answer on
this one)

I looked over the previous posts, as well as the help file, and gave it a
shot, and now I am confused.
(I know... normal...)

I need to embed UAC manifest into 5 exe's.
I am code signing ALL the exe's, dll's, etc I am sending out.
My understanding is:
First: Embed.
Second: Code Sign.
Third: Add to compile.

Simple enough. Except that when I try to compile, I am getting:
Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: -1

Now, if I get a new copy of the EXE, and comment out the Embed, it compiles
and signs fine.
It's as if after the embed, it no longer wants to sign.

Also, my understanding of the permanent flag has to do with whether or not
the EXE in question will still be embeded after the setup compile is
complete, right?

Currently, I am using permanent flag on both Embed and Code Signing.
Perhaps this is causing my problem?
I could see taking the Perm flag off of the Embed, but would be nice to be
able to leave it on the Code Signing, simply because it takes soooooo
long... but if I must, I must.


01-13-2010, 03:37 AM
I doubt it <g>

> Hi everyone... (especially Jane, as she will probably be my first answer
> on this one)
Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

01-13-2010, 03:38 AM
He meant first *useful* reply <G>


01-13-2010, 03:39 AM
Well, God knows that both of those messages were VERY usefull!
(hoping Jane is typing a response containing a wealth of information as I
type this...)

Glenn Paschal

01-13-2010, 03:42 AM
> Also, my understanding of the permanent flag has to do with whether or not
> the EXE in question will still be embeded after the setup compile is
> complete, right?
> Currently, I am using permanent flag on both Embed and Code Signing.
> Perhaps this is causing my problem?
> I could see taking the Perm flag off of the Embed, but would be nice to be
> able to leave it on the Code Signing, simply because it takes soooooo
> long... but if I must, I must.

Hi Glenn,

We use permanent on the manifest and do not use it on the code sign (see
attached screen shots).

Does that help?


Charles Edmonds
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01-13-2010, 03:43 AM
Thanks for the reply.
based on my "experimenting" I was coming to the same conclusion.
You cannot manifest a signed file.

Ah well... the compiles get longer. <g>