View Full Version : SB6 and SB7 PASV Mode settings out of sync - SB7_PASVmode.png (0/1)

01-16-2010, 03:38 AM
Hi Friedrich

Minor visual problem...

I have noticed that sometimes the PASVmode settings within SB7 (and it is the same
back in SB6) seem out of sync.

If I open an SB7 file and expand the "release distribution" panel , then double click
it to see the properties, The Text against PASV mode shows "NO" but the check-box on
the properties screen shows checked.

If I toggle the PASV checkbox off then on and click [OK] then the text in the "release
distribution" panel refreshes correctly to show "YES". From then on it seems OK.

John Griffiths

01-16-2010, 03:40 AM
Hi John,

> If I toggle the PASV checkbox off then on and click [OK] then the text in
> the "release distribution" panel refreshes correctly to show "YES". From
> then on it seems OK.

I can't reproduce this here :-( Would it be possible to send me a project
that shows this behavior?


01-19-2010, 02:48 AM
Hi Friedrich

Yes, sending shortly. I had trouble getting it to show the problema again, but will
email you a zip file with a SB7 file.

John Griffiths

01-19-2010, 02:48 AM
Hi John,

> Yes, sending shortly. I had trouble getting it to show the problema again,
> but will email you a zip file with a SB7 file.

That would be great, thank you!
