View Full Version : What Makes WebUpdate check stop working?

01-18-2010, 03:44 AM
I have an app that I post webupdates and now the check always returns
saying it current.

I'm suspecting the problem is related to the location of the
WebUpdate.exe and the current folder...

If I run WebUpdate from the Program folder it starts but immediately
requests admin access....

If I do: Run(clip(GLO:ProgPath) & 'wupdate.exe /C /Q',1)

Is this going to require admin access?


01-18-2010, 03:45 AM

> I have an app that I post webupdates and now the check always returns
> saying it current.
> I'm suspecting the problem is related to the location of the WebUpdate.exe
> and the current folder...
> If I run WebUpdate from the Program folder it starts but immediately
> requests admin access....
> If I do: Run(clip(GLO:ProgPath) & 'wupdate.exe /C /Q',1)
> Is this going to require admin access?

First of all, make sure you did not forget to update the manifest file on
your server and that it has a later version number.

BTW, on an UAC-aware Windows operating system, wupdate.exe always requests
administrator execution level privileges and then runs elevated. You can
use wucheck.exe to check for updates non-elevated.

As a side note, it's not possible to use the RUN() Clarion command on an
UAC-aware operating system from an "asInvoker" application to launch an
application that needs administrator execution level privileges. There are
quite a few interesting threads on this here on the newsgroup.

Does this help?


01-19-2010, 02:50 AM
I think you've answer my question and figured out my problems....<g>

I have not been using wucheck....


01-19-2010, 02:50 AM
As Friedrich said, you need ShellExecute to launch an elevated app such as
wupdate from a Clarion app. Run or Chain won't cut it. Wucheck, which runs
unelevated, should be OK.

Also - remember that you can create your own versions of wupdate and
wucheck - either for real use or for testing/debugging purposes. The SB7
scripts to create the included version of each are contained in the
SetupBuilder\Redist\1033 folder. Be sure to code-sign any versions you


01-19-2010, 02:51 AM
Thanks Jane....
