View Full Version : My install is no longer password protected

05-07-2007, 01:43 PM
I installed the latest version of developer edition version: 6.5.1854 and I did it from within the IDE. It seemed to work very well. However when I reopened my sb6 install script it seems to have changed it during the conversion to the newer version. Everything works very well accept the part of the script that forces the user to enter a password does not work like it did. In fact that loop part of the script is not there anymore. I am not quite clear on what I would have to do to get it to work again. I tried to look at some examples but there were none in the examples directory. Somehow the got wiped out. I do have the old sb5 examples but when 6.5 opens them an converts them they also seem to get changed in such a way as the loop code I need to look at get's stripped out. I am sure this is a very simple thing to fix, but at this point I am kind of lost. I would like to send an example from the script editor of my script but, it does not seem to want to allow me to copy the entire script. I can only copy one line at a time. I must be missing a few things. Incuding being thoughtfull enough to backup my script and my previous sb6 ide intallation

Please help

05-07-2007, 11:41 PM

If you are interested, please send us the original .sb5 script (or demo) and we'll check this.

The conversion process from SB5 to SB6 does not change the script so I am sure we can quickly find out what's going on.
