View Full Version : SB5 Professional Edition (build# 1020)

01-22-2005, 10:02 AM
[Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:09 PM]

SB5 Professional Edition Beta 5.0.1020 is released.

Password protected URL:


- SetupBuilder 5.0 Build 1020 January 18, 2005)


IMPROVEMENT: Uninstaller can reset old registry values
FIX : "Drag and drop" folders in the Files and Folder bottom left
pane was not working as expected
FIX : Under certain circumstances the File Properties dialog
displayed two Patch tabs
FIX : Registry uninstallation was not working as expected
CHANGE : "Detect Previous Version" script item can detect previous
installations for the current user (Only for me) and for all
users that share your computer (Anyone who uses this computer)
CHANGE : Increased internal code signing variable size


- SetupBuilder 5.0 Build 1019 January 17, 2005)


IMPROVEMENT: Move Up/Down in the Script Editor can move multiple lines
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Copy Text to Clipboard" item to the Script popup menu
FIX : Possible compiler freeze
FIX : Possible WebUpdate incompatibility with ZoneAlarm when the
WebUpdate client is started from the command line
CHANGE : Script engine runs on its own thread


- SetupBuilder 5.0 Build 1014 January 12, 2005)


FEATURE : Add "Start/Stop Delayed File Install..." script item to enable
support for delayed file installation
FEATURE : Add "MapDrive..." script item to assign a drive to a share and
to disconnect a drive
FEATURE : Add Automatic Rollback support. It is executed only if the user
cancels the installation or if the installation fails
FEATURE : Add Upper() and Lower() String Functions
FEATURE : Add "Convert Date String (yyyymmdd) to Julian Date" String
FEATURE : Add .NET assembly install and uninstallation support
FEATURE : Add "Detect Previous Version..." script item
IMPROVEMENT: Update "SoftVelocity IP Data Server.sbi" include script to
support the IP Data Server (Version 1.1)
IMPROVEMENT: "Static Scan..." function executed from the Files and Folder
bottom right pane automatically detects the component and
target folder
IMPROVEMENT: Add iDeploy WebInstall and WebUpdate optimizations
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Patch" Tab to the multiple-files File Properties dialog
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Web Deployment" button to the Toolbar
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Stop Debugging" button to the Toolbar
IMPROVEMENT: Add several new string resources
IMPROVEMENT: The Include Script Tabs in the Script Editor display the full
qualified script name when the mouse cursor pauses over the
IMPROVEMENT: Add SB_EDITION and SB_VER preprocessor identifier to control
your make process. Use this in your #ifdef statements for
conditional compilation
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Version Equals", "Version Not Equals", "Version Less Than"
and "Version Greater Than" to the If Statement script item
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Version Equals", "Version Not Equals", "Version Less Than"
and "Version Greater Than" to the #ifdef Statement script item
IMPROVEMENT: Add more conditions to the #ifdef Statement script item
IMPROVEMENT: "Define Feature" script line in the Script Editor displays the
parent feature (if available)
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Disable Version Patching" checkbox to the File Properties
IMPROVEMENT: General Settings: add "Disable Patch Generation" option to
the Generator Settings tab
IMPROVEMENT: General Settings: add "Remove UnInstaller after Successful
Installation" option to the Advanced Settings tab
IMPROVEMENT: General Settings: add "Disable Rollback after Failed
Installation" option to the Advanced Settings tab
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Global Assembly Cache Demo.sb5" script to demonstrates
how to add a .NET assembly into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
IMPROVEMENT: GetSystemInfo can detect Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (beta
build 40607 and 40903)
IMPROVEMENT: WebUpdate Client can check for updates every X day(s)
FIX : Remove internal debug messages from the "Static Scan" Wizard
FIX : Remove internal debug messages from the Shortcuts pane
FIX : Under certain circumstances "Files and Folder" selection was
not working as expected
FIX : ODBC Driver uninstallation was not working as expected
FIX : The "Cancel" button on the "Do you want to save the changes?"
dialog box was not working as expected
FIX : Multiple-file modification in the Files and Folder bottom right
pane was not working as expected
FIX : Under certain circumstances installation CRC-32 file checking
was not working as expected
FIX : If compiler skipped patch file generation because original and
the new file were the same, the compiler generated an invalid
instruction code
FIX : Under certain circumstances a mouse right-click in the Script
Editor was not working as expected
FIX : The Include Script Tabs update in the Script Editor was not
working as expected
FIX : Under certain circumstances, the internal Debugger was not
working as expected
FIX : Script Editor did not display Value Data for Expandable/
String Values
FIX : Installer did not automatically close the uninstall .log file
FIX : Possible uninstaller GPF
CHANGE : Remove "Make Statistics" dialog
CHANGE : "Exit Installation" script item closes active Progress Dialog
CHANGE : Add a workaround to overcome the Clarion 6.1 "disappearing
toolbox icon" problem
CHANGE : Compiler skips patch file generation if new and previous files
have the same contents.
CHANGE : Installer removes read-only and hidden file attributes before
replacing files
CHANGE : Debug button (button #19) on the toolbar can start the debugger
and let you step through your script (Single Step)
CHANGE : The Include Script Tabs in the Script Editor are scrollable,
with adjacent scroll buttons. You can now scroll to the next
Include Script Tab without opening the script. Selecting the
Include Script Tab opens the script
CHANGE : The Include Script Tabs in the Script Editor do not display
non-existent #include script files
CHANGE : Modifications to the internal script structure
CHANGE : Make separate editions available for SetupBuilder 5
Professional and Developer
CHANGE : Change Copyright notices to 2005



1. Please use "Project|Update String Resources..." to update the string
resources in your older SB5 scripts!

2. Please change MINVER pragma to 5.0.1012 in your older include scripts!


Friedrich Linder
Fax: 1.954.252.3910

01-22-2005, 10:02 AM
[Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:23 PM]

For those of you who have the Developer edition, might be a little slow and
try and webupdate it....
This annoucement is the for the Pro version - dough !

01-22-2005, 10:03 AM
[Wednesday, January 19, 2005 1:57 AM]

> For those of you who have the Developer edition, might be a little slow and
> try and webupdate it....
> This annoucement is the for the Pro version - dough !

You too???

