View Full Version : clarion 7.1 adding a manifest when none is asked and SB cannot embed

02-02-2010, 02:42 AM
Hi Friedrich,

maybe OT but as you are the** manifest specialist ....

My exe is (in clarion) without any manifest added
I still see all themed
I do have BIG pbs in buttons flickering in screens (which of course are not present when no manifest is added)

This morning I wanted to compile a newer version in SB and I kept on receiving error (50) messages saying exe already manifested

If I remember well in older versions of SB (or maybe of c7.1) this situation was not a problem and SB did succeed in replacing it

Would you maybe have an idea why all this small mess here (yes my machine again ;) ) ?

I had to reboot and delete all pref xml files related to the exe and sln from users/roaming/softvelocity etc to get it to compile properly again and for SB to add the manifest



Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


DMC - Data Management Center
A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer your Data
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" &
"Works with Windows Server 2008"

02-02-2010, 02:43 AM
Hi Jean-Pierre,

> If I remember well in older versions of SB (or maybe of c7.1)
> this situation was not a problem and SB did succeed in replacing
> it

No, it was never possible (not in a previous 6.x or 7.0 version and it will
not be possible in a future version) to "replace" an existing manifest.

The following was in the "Remarks" section for "#embed manifest" from day


This function will embed a UTF-8 encoding manifest. Use this function only
on application files that do not already have an embedded manifest. For
example, make sure the "Include Default XP Manifest" App Settings option in
your Clarion 6 or Clarion 7 Environment is turned off. Don't add a manifest
to your VS2003, VS2005, VS2008, etc. projects.

Make sure the application does have a .rsrc (resource) section. By default,
console applications built by Microsoft Visual C++ do not have a .rsrc
section. Win32 and Win64 GUI applications do have it by default.

This function stops with an error if the application in which to embed a
Vista-aware manifest already included a manifest (only if Skip if file is
already Vista manifested is not marked).

Requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows
Server 2008 R2, or later at project build-time!

If this function fails, a fatal compiler error is reported and the
compilation process is aborted immediately.



02-02-2010, 02:44 AM

I had read that - my memory must be bad ....

I know it is c7 and not SB but would you maybe have an idea why the manifest can get added even when app globals say no ?


Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


DMC - Data Management Center
A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer your Data
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" &
"Works with Windows Server 2008"

02-02-2010, 02:44 AM
> I know it is c7 and not SB ...

I see you answered your own question<g>



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