View Full Version : errorGEN1055 in sb compiler with embed uac manifest

02-08-2010, 02:25 AM
Hi all,

Multidll clarion 6.3 9058 app compiled in clarion 7.1
no manifest is added in the blobal properites of the main app.

in the SB file, the last line in the screipt is to embed the uac manifest.
when compiling I get the error

CPAIS_BASIS.sb7(2): error GEN1055: File not found or locked [@7]: CPAIS.EXE

before I added this, the setup compiled & worked. So I think the file can be found.
IF it is locked : how can it be : it has been copied from the place where the
clarion compiler puts it
to the installation directory with the other files.
I'm logged in as administrator...
In the NG I found a reference to this error occuring once and disappearing (oct 2007)
I didn't find anything else about this error.
I restarted the computer and launched sb as first program... no use.
Has someone an idea ?

Hans Vinckier

02-08-2010, 02:26 AM

> in the SB file, the last line in the screipt is to embed the uac manifest.

Embedding a manifest and code signing should be done early in the
script before other actions are taken on the file. At least that's
what I've always done - without any problems.

Lee White

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02-08-2010, 02:26 AM
before other compiler (i.e. preprocessor) actions are taken.

If there are no other preprocessor actions on the file, you could put a
manifest or code-signing as the last element of the script as those happen
at compile-time whereas the non-preprocessor script elements happen at
runtime on the end-user's machine. (Of course, possibly less confusing to
put them at the top of the script.)


02-08-2010, 02:27 AM

> before other compiler (i.e. preprocessor) actions are taken.

Ok, I'll hush up!<g>

Lee White

Enroll Today at http://CWaddons.com

Reports....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
Free Review: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/

02-08-2010, 02:27 AM
why start now??? <G>

Jane Fleming

02-08-2010, 02:27 AM
Well, strange

I've put the embed uac as first thing after #include script "common definitions sbi".
still got the same error.
All files for installations are in directory A.
Bitmaps to be included are in A\BMP.
AS I filled in the pazramters for the uac embed, I noticed that when I had to select the
filename, the dialog opened the directory A\bmp.
I decided to put a copy of the exe in this A\bmp directory and then it worked.
When I removed the exe from the directory A I got the error again.

To work here , the file must be present in 2 directories.
I checked the project setting but found no reference to the A\BMP directory.

So problem solved, but a big question remains : why the bmp directory? I sure
must have dones somthing wrong.


Hans Vinckier