View Full Version : Workstation updates

02-11-2010, 03:08 AM

The web updates work perfectly in all my installations. But thinking I need
to make this better. I also use Capesoft's FM3 and just recently their
Autonet feature. Autonet is a program that copies updated files from a
common server folder to a workstation if the files are newer. It has some
settings I can adjust with the install scripts (INI settings mostly) so no
worries there.

But if one workstation does a check for updates and finds a newer version,
its installed only on the workstation, and Autonet could undo it. Is there
a way to change the wupdate program to install on the common server folder
from any workstation instead? I'm thinking then when any workstation starts
my apps, autonet checks the server folder and copies everything over then.
IOW - first one to check for updates sets in motion to update everyone.

So instead of copying the image files to a workstation, they are copied to
the server location. That is all autonet needs. Seems a simpler solution
than to check each user installs their own updates (and some forget).
Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-11-2010, 03:08 AM

The issue I believe is this. The workstation that installs the
application onto the network drive gets the registry entries that store
the update information as well as the installation location. I think
you need to duplicate those entries.


02-11-2010, 03:09 AM
But I'm not at updating the server drive yet <g>. I need wupdate to do this
and yes, I'm thinking of registry entries.

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-12-2010, 02:47 AM

I am not ignoring you. I have to give it some thoughts, but I am brain dead
at the moment...


02-12-2010, 02:48 AM

No worries, I've discovered a few missing items in my main install script -
more later - have to run.

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-12-2010, 02:49 AM
As I was saying before my Dad's wheelchair transport arrived for his
doctor's appt...

I've got a new reg key in my install script that will record the network
update location, which is the network location that FM3's Autonet requires.
The webupdate just needs to know this value and I'm sure I can script it to
look in that location. I've not quite got to the point where the web update
copies from my server down to the network location. I think it would still
require checking for the running app and close it. When the update is
applied, the next restart should kick in Autonet.

At least that's the plan <g>

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-12-2010, 02:50 AM
The problem with registry entries is they are specific to the workstation.

In a Network install, since the only workstation ("primary") that has
the registry entries is the one that installed the software, it'll be
the only one that "knows" where the installation is for webupdate

I think the default for webupdate is to say there is a new version if
the registry entries are missing. The reason I say this is because I've
had clients run webupdate on a "secondary" workstation and download a
new version. Since there are no registry entries they run it using
default settings and end up creating a local install. (Friedrich - is
this accurate?)

Maybe there needs to be an XML representation of the registry entries in
the program folder.
Or, if webupdate does not find the registry entries it ignores or
returns a message (-1) indicating it's not the correct "primary"

Paul Macfarlane

02-12-2010, 02:51 AM

I think there have been some previous threads about adding FM3 AutoNET like
capability to SB. I use AutoNET extensively in some places, but there are some
limitations. A few that come to mind...

1) If they move to a UAC compliant OS AutoNET can't write to the program files
directory and doesn't work.

2) If you need to push an update that does something "extra" like write a
registry entry or register an OCX, etc.

3) AutoNET doesn't delete old deprecated files.

I would really like to see SB add a "Net Update" (vs. "Web Update") ability that
would be similar to AutoNET but with all of the power of SB.

I'm not sure if this is what you have in mind with your question or not but I
thought I would take this opportunity to re-express my interest in SB having
support for this kind of functionality. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if it were already possible with some exert SB scripts
but I'm looking for a super simple to implement and manage feature.

Kelly E Major

02-12-2010, 02:52 AM

Thanks. See my other post.

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-13-2010, 04:32 AM

See your email.

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm