View Full Version : Problem with Features

02-17-2010, 02:42 AM
Hi all,

My Setup has a Typical and a Custom Setup Type. When I run the Setup, chose
Custom and have all the Features enabled everything is installed (of
course). When I run the setup and chose Typical some of the features are NOT

Any ideas where to look of what I'm doing wrong. I definitely checked in the
Typical Setup Type that all the features are checked.

Thank you
Hanspeter Stutz
Global System AG

02-17-2010, 02:43 AM
Hi Hanspeter,

> My Setup has a Typical and a Custom Setup Type. When I run the Setup,
> chose Custom and have all the Features enabled everything is installed
> (of course). When I run the setup and chose Typical some of the features
> are NOT installed??!!
> Any ideas where to look of what I'm doing wrong. I definitely checked
> in the Typical Setup Type that all the features are checked.

Something seems to be "out-of-sync" in your project. I have seen this
before, but we can't reproduce it.

Try the following: go to the "Setup Types" Visualizer and select the Typical
setup type and unmark all checkboxes in the right pane. Then re-check the
features that belongs to the Setup Type. This should "fix" it.

Does this help?


02-17-2010, 08:42 AM
Hi Friedrich,

That was it - runs perfect now again, thank you!

Btw, is there a way to manipulate the features at runtime? Hide/Unhide,
Enable/Disable and set checked or not?


02-17-2010, 08:42 AM
Hi Hanspeter,

> That was it - runs perfect now again, thank you!

Do you remeber what you did before that happened? Did you move up/down
Setup Types or something like that?

> Btw, is there a way to manipulate the features at runtime? Hide/Unhide,
> Enable/Disable and set checked or not?

No, this is not possible at the moment.


02-17-2010, 08:43 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> Do you remeber what you did before that happened? Did you move up/down
> Setup Types or something like that?

Sorry I don't know because I always tested with custom. I will keep an eye
on it and let you know...
