View Full Version : Certificate Problem GEN1053

02-23-2010, 05:30 PM
I have been using this certificate for over a year. No changes to computer other than updating to the latest C7.1 and now I get a message:

Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: -1

I get the same error on all projects and SB7 immediately shuts down with an Error.

Any Ideas as to what is wrong.

02-24-2010, 03:16 AM

I would suggest to check if your certificate expired. And make sure the timestamp server (if you make use of it) is accessible.

Sometimes, the Microsoft code-signing tool kills the SetupBuilder IDE if there was a code-sign error. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do here. But if -1 is returned, then there is a problem with your certificate or the configuration (certificate expired, wrong password, etc.). It's definitely not caused by SB71.

Hope this helps. Please keep us posted.


02-24-2010, 07:01 AM

I downloaded one of your products from your web site and the attached screenshot should answer the question ;) Your Comodo certificate expired.

BTW, you should always timestamp when you code-sign. You did not timestamp your files and so the certificate is even expired on already code-signed files now.
