View Full Version : Close app to complete update

03-11-2010, 02:29 AM
I am experimenting with the web update. The update works but asks to restart
the computer. I would like to have the update to tell the user to close the
app to complete the update installation. I believe this is how the
SetupBuilder web updates function.

I have looked at both examples but don't see anything that is obvious.



03-11-2010, 02:29 AM

>I am experimenting with the web update. The update works but asks to
>restart the computer. I would like to have the update to tell the user to
>close the app to complete the update installation. I believe this is how
>the SetupBuilder web updates function.
> I have looked at both examples but don't see anything that is obvious.

See "Detect Active Application..." and "Terminate Active Application..."
(especially the "Gently Close Application" option) script functions.

Similar to this:



03-11-2010, 02:30 AM
Thanks, have another question. After ready the link you supplied I saw

I would suggest to do this in your web installer package, not from the
standard wupdate.exe.

This statement is confusing to me. I followed the directions to 'Add live
Internet version updating to my computer'. Do I now have to change from
'Live Application Update' to 'Internet-based Installation'?

Not sure how to proceed. Can I add the code to the 'Live Application
Update'? Or is that not a good idea?



03-11-2010, 02:31 AM
Hi Bob,

> Thanks, have another question. After ready the link you supplied I saw
> this:
> I would suggest to do this in your web installer package, not from the
> standard wupdate.exe.
> This statement is confusing to me. I followed the directions to 'Add live
> Internet version updating to my computer'. Do I now have to change from
> 'Live Application Update' to 'Internet-based Installation'?
> Not sure how to proceed. Can I add the code to the 'Live Application
> Update'? Or is that not a good idea?

The wupdate.exe (or wucheck.exe) "clients" are only there to check for new
versions. If a new version is available, the "real" web update package is
downloaded from your web site and executed. So you only have to add the
code to your web update package (the thing that is downloaded) and you are

BTW, "Internet-based Installation" is an ADDITIONAL option. In this case,
the Web Installation technology compiles your project into one setup
executable and several data files, called cluster files. When the setup
executable is launched, it connects to the appropriate Web site, checks the
system configuration to determine what it needs, then starts downloading
files. After it has finished downloading the files, it starts the
installation process.

The following is from the "Configure iDeploy Web Installation" topic:

SetupBuilder supports the creation of true Web Installations. These
installations use HTTP connections to download data from the Internet for
installation. The installer application itself is very small, with most of
the data residing on a server. Such an installer can also function as an
update installer, by going back to the server to look for newer versions of
data. Web Installations work correctly with a wide variety of firewalls and
proxy servers.

End users frequently do not need all the files contained in an installer.
Lindersoft's Web Installation technology simplifies the user experience by
first downloading a small "smart" installer which can retrieve just the
pieces needed for the user's specific requirements. The Web Installation
will also detect which files you need to have updated and only download
those that are out-of-date. Because a user downloads only the pieces they
need, you shorten their download time, and reduce your web server load at
the same time. You can also easily distribute any of these "smart"
installers on floppies, CD or via email. A Web Installer differs from any
other installer you might create in only a few ways. In addition to the
normal setup items, a Web Installer needs information about where on the Web
the installer can obtain file objects.

The Web Installation technology is extremely easy to use, and the creation
of a Web Installer is the same as for any other installer. Once your files
have been assembled, you make a few adjustments to the installer settings
and then it is ready for web installation. A single click sends SetupBuilder
off to collect and compress your files, compile your instructions and build
your installation.

Most servers on the Web use this protocol and are called HTTP servers, or
Web servers. Studies show that about 85% of the bytes on the Internet
backbone are HTTP traffic. HTTP is the de facto standard for transferring

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner