View Full Version : SB5 vs SB4 creating binary patch
01-24-2005, 01:14 AM
[Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:58 PM]
I use SB4 to create binary patches for app updates.
My app exe is currently about 14Mb.
The update patch (created by SB4 usually is just about 1.2 to 12.4Mb.
Now that I have installed SB5 Pro 1020 myn update patch is over 7Mb!
Anyone have any ideas why?
01-24-2005, 06:09 AM
[Monday, January 24, 2005 1:12 PM]
The new SB5 *always* creates SMALLER patches (~ 15%-25%) than SB4.
For example, the patch to update sbuilder.exe #1014 to #1022 is only 250 KB.
Did you check the "Disable Version Patching" checkbox or the global "Disable
Patch Generation" option?
Please let me know what figures you see in the compiler report window if you
checked the "Display compression details" checkbox (Options | General tab).
Friedrich Linder
Fax: 1.954.252.3910
02-03-2005, 02:50 AM
[Re: SB5 vs SB4 creating binary patch]
SB4 provides clipboard output, so here is a doc.
SB5 does not seem to have this option so here is a jpg of the screen
02-03-2005, 02:50 AM
[Wednesday, February 02, 2005 9:09 AM]
Hi Friedrich,
Actually I don't quite understand either report. Both compilations are
supposed to do the same thing, create a patch for BSIMCHE.EXE (which is
currently version 4.75) using \PREVIOUS\4V74.EXE as the previous version to
create patch file 474475.EXE
The report from SB4.03 does not show the location\name of the 4V74.EXE, and
the report from the SB5 does not show BSIMCHE.EXE and actualy looks as
though it is patching the wrong file.
02-03-2005, 02:50 AM
[Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:07 PM]
Hi Sim,
Let me sum up. You would like to patch a previous BSIMCHE.EXE, right? And
4V74.EXE is the *installer* executable?
The SB5 compiler output tells me that you are patching your *installer* (and
not the BSIMCHE.EXE file)!!!! Please patch the BSIMCHE.EXE and not the
resulting installer executable!
Does this help?
Friedrich Linder
Fax: 1.954.252.3910
02-03-2005, 02:51 AM
[Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:38 PM]
BSIMCHE.EXE is the actual application. Earlier versions are in the PREVIOUS
folder, named by the version number. This allows me to create patches "on
the fly" from any previous version.
Whenever I compile a new version, I make a copy of the exe to the subfolder
PREVIOUS, using the version as the filename. For example, I have now just
created BSIMCHE version 4.75; my previous version of BSIMCHE was 4.74. This
previous version was copied to PREVIOUS\4V74.EXE. I now use SB to create an
upgrade patch from my current BSIMCHE.EXE using PREVIOUS\4V74 as the
previous version. The SB output thus is 474475.EXE which I send to the
customer. Once complete, I then copy my version 4.75 of BSIMCHE.EXE to
This works just fine on SB403, but not on SB5.
I hope we can get this cleared up soon.
02-03-2005, 02:51 AM
[Wednesday, February 02, 2005 2:12 PM]
So in your example, you have PREVIOUS\4V74.EXE in your "Previous File
Versions" list and BSIMCHE.EXE in your "Source Filename" field?
For example, our sbuilder.exe (3 MB) patches to a 122 KB patch (see
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