View Full Version : MSSQL 2005 based program - Who want to share experiences with a full install?

06-29-2010, 02:12 AM
We are shifting from TPS to MSSQL Express 2005 - Most of our programs are
today based upon MSSQL 2005 express.
Problem is to install just by sending a CD/DVD.
We have the best setupprogram available....
As we use FM3 for creating and managing the DB, we need SA access to the
database, so when we make the DB, we need to produce a SA user with a known
password - Say My#$Wonderfull89Program or something like that.
This has been the problem so far - When we use the sbi script, and try to
make the sa user, it fails.
When we make it using the manager from MS, it goes smooth, but with quite
som work on our side.

We have tried to get some support from MS, and they claim that my syntax is
What I really want to know - Is there anybody out there installing real
world programs on MSSQL 2005 Express DB silent or semisilent, i.e. without
any need for the installer to know something about how to install databáses

Edvard Korsbæk

06-29-2010, 02:13 AM
One option is to give your users a link to the MS download site for SQL in
the early part of the install. Similar to what SV does with the Clarion
install asking if you need to download .net

Abe Jimenez

06-29-2010, 02:13 AM
Hi Edvard

yes, I have sucessfully built MSSQL Enterprise installers with sa/password.

There are a few tricks....

Make sure you are using a secure password that passes the MS requirements... I used 13
characters/numbers with mixed case and it is OK.

Create your own Instance of SQLExpress.. This is in case there is an existing default
instance (SQLExpress).

The installer just installs the SQLEXPR.EXE to a temp folder and then I use SB to run
that installer with a long commandline parameter string. One thing you need to do is
to build up the parameter string across three or four SB script lines. Another trick
here is to NOT statrt the appended value with a space..

Here is a sample from my script...

Set Variable %MYSQLCMDLINE% to "-q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress ADDLOCAL"

SAPWD" [Append Value]

Set Variable %MYSQLCMDLINE% to "=My#$Wonderfull89Program DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0

Set Variable %MYSQLCMDLINE% to "=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0
SQLAUTOSTART=1" [Append Value]

The above script lines will wrap here, but you should be able to get the idea. And I
set the %INSTANCENAME% var in the script.

Hope this helps

John Griffiths

06-29-2010, 02:14 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I wonder about you (Or anybody else) has a link to the excact rules for the
I used someting like cZryd361, (Not that - I have changed the letters and
digits, but this combination), and I am pretty sure that the problem is the
password not good enough.
Your example is very similar to what I did by the way.
I take a look for spaces now.

Edvard Korsbæk