View Full Version : Confirming TCP/IP

09-14-2010, 01:37 AM
My apps rely on TCP/IP (NetTalk) and so I'm wondering if there is a way I can
test for it during installation.

Greg Fasolt

09-14-2010, 01:38 AM
Hi Greg,

> My apps rely on TCP/IP (NetTalk) and so I'm wondering if there is a way I
> can test for it during installation.

How would you do it (programmatically) without SetupBuilder? I don't know
of a method that can do this. Perhaps CapeSoft knows if this can be done
and then you can develop a DLL and call this from the installer?


09-14-2010, 01:39 AM
Are you asking to be sure whether TCP/IP is installed? (Presumably you're
shipping the NetTalk DLLs yourself.)

Bill Roe's Valutilities has a detect IP address function.

You could probably also look to see whether
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControSet\Services\Tcpip exists (which would probably
indicate that the machine has IP installed).

If you're ambitious, you could dig through the values (pic)

More explanation: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314053


Jane Fleming

09-15-2010, 12:53 AM
Thanks Friedrich and Jane.

Greg Fasolt