View Full Version : No Icon Created on Desktop

09-16-2010, 12:40 AM
When downloaded and installed I have SB create an icon on the desktop.

On a couple of installations the icon is not created and I get a call and
walk thru with the client to create the icon manually.

I doesn't happen often, but I am curious as to why this would happen. Is
there some security setting on the receiving computer or do I have something
slightly off in my install program.

Don Harvey

09-16-2010, 12:41 AM

> When downloaded and installed I have SB create an icon on the desktop.
> On a couple of installations the icon is not created and I get a call and
> walk thru with the client to create the icon manually.
> I doesn't happen often, but I am curious as to why this would happen. Is
> there some security setting on the receiving computer or do I have
> something slightly off in my install program.

Assuming you have the configuration settings correct, it's possible that
this is a "cache" problem and a simple refresh of the Desktop helps. See
the "Refresh Desktop" script function.

And always ask for the uninstall .log in such a case to check if it is
really not there. You should see an item similar to the following in the
uninstall .log:

|005|_0000_|C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\MyCoolAppYada.lnk

Hope this helps.


09-17-2010, 12:58 AM

Don Harvey