View Full Version : SB7 compile error

11-15-2010, 01:42 AM
Up to now I've been using SB6 but it does not embed a C7 manifest. SB7 let
me do that but the setup is asking for Credentials File and Private Key file
that SB6 did not require. I have my Comodo pfx file and the password in both
SB6 and SB7. SB6 will compile the application after SB7 has manifested it
and that works on Win7 and Server 2008 without problems but I'd like to do
it all in SB7. Who supplies the Credentials File and the Private Key File?

11-15-2010, 01:43 AM
> Up to now I've been using SB6 but it does not embed a C7 manifest. SB7 let
> me do that but the setup is asking for Credentials File and Private Key file
> that SB6 did not require. I have my Comodo pfx file and the password in both
> SB6 and SB7. SB6 will compile the application after SB7 has manifested it
> and that works on Win7 and Server 2008 without problems but I'd like to do
> it all in SB7. Who supplies the Credentials File and the Private Key File?
> Thanks
> Nev


Your PFX file and password and Signtool.exe is all that is needed in SB7.

Refer to this document by Jane Fleming for step by step help.

Learning SetupBuilder Part I (CHM format)


Download - Project Examples Package

Help Topic
Preparing SetupBuilder for Code-Signing


From David Troxell - Encourager Software
Microsoft Forums NNTP Bridge - Instructions to use

11-15-2010, 01:43 AM
Hi David
Thanks but that link does not take me to Jane's item. The CHM download there
is the same as installed with SB7. I've sent you a private email. Hope you
can help.

11-15-2010, 01:44 AM
> Hi David
> Thanks but that link does not take me to Jane's item. The CHM download there
> is the same as installed with SB7. I've sent you a private email. Hope you
> can help.


OK, the install I refer to is probably one of the misunderstood installs
that Lindersoft offers, because others ask similar questions.

The CHM I refer to does NOT install as part of the regular SB7 install
program or Help - Check for documentation updates.

When SB7.3 is released - I believe the Learning SetupBuilder Part I.chm
will become visible from the IDE.

When you install - Project Examples Package - Learning SetupBuilder Part
I.chm is included in that install - it will typically install to this
location - so you must MANUALLY refer to the CHM in that location.

C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\SetupBuilder Projects\Examples

Jane's CHM is this one.

Learning SetupBuilder Part I.chm

Again, once you install the Project Examples package and refer to the CHM -
this Help Topic will answer your questions step by step for each part of
the SetupBuilder setup for code signing.

Preparing SetupBuilder for Code-Signing

This help topic area contains basically THREE references for code signing:

1. SetupBuilder IDE - Tools - Options - Certificate Profiles and File

2. Code-signing the installer

3. Code-signing your apps

The screen shot you sent by private email is the setup for the code signing
the installer:

"The installer itself needs to be code-signed, particularly because it is
going to run as Administrator and users on Vista or later will get the UAC
popup box."


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!

11-15-2010, 01:45 AM

Friedrich is winning in the game of "hide the help files" <G>

I don't think he'll banish me for this - I've uploaded a copy of the CHM
David is referring you to.

But you really should download and install the example projects when you
have a chance. The CHM describes most of them.


11-15-2010, 01:47 AM
> Friedrich is winning in the game of "hide the help files" <G>

<BG>. Yes, only too true. But the "Learning SetupBuilder" will be fully
integrated into the SetupBuilder IDE in V7.3 :-)


11-15-2010, 01:47 AM
Thanks Jane.

11-15-2010, 01:47 AM
Hi Nev,

> Up to now I've been using SB6 but it does not embed a C7 manifest. SB7 let
> me do that but the setup is asking for Credentials File and Private Key
> file that SB6 did not require. I have my Comodo pfx file and the password
> in both SB6 and SB7. SB6 will compile the application after SB7 has
> manifested it and that works on Win7 and Server 2008 without problems but
> I'd like to do it all in SB7. Who supplies the Credentials File and the
> Private Key File?

Embedding a Win7-aware UAC manifest file does NOT require a credentials and
private key files ;-) You only need the files if you code-sign!

BTW, SB7 and fully backward compatible to SB6, so there is no need to use
SB6 any longer.


11-15-2010, 01:48 AM
Hi Guys
Normally I code sign the app with a batch file on completion of compiling.
Can I run that batch file from within SB7 and if so where?
David, I'm downloading Jane's chm.

11-15-2010, 01:48 AM
Hi Nev,

> Normally I code sign the app with a batch file on completion of compiling.
> Can I run that batch file from within SB7 and if so where?

You can use the "#run..." compiler directive to run applications during the
compilation process.

But I would use the "code-sign application..." directive because this can do
it automatically for you.


11-15-2010, 01:49 AM
BTW, to run batch files in Windows, you have to use the CMD Shell.

Something like the following in the #run directive:

cmd /c "c:\test\mybat.bat"


11-15-2010, 01:49 AM
That was fast!!
Thanks Freidrich