View Full Version : LAN Update - status?

11-23-2010, 02:36 AM
was promised by the end of september, so small update about status wouldn't
hurt <g>

thanks, darko

11-23-2010, 02:36 AM
Hi Darko,

> khm...khm...
> was promised by the end of september, so small update about status
> wouldn't hurt <g>

Yes, you are absolutely right. I completely forgot about a "LAN Update"
feature progress update, sorry.

The shocking news is that there was even less interest in the "LAN Update"
beta than I expected! Nearly ZERO interest in this feature :-( It's
absolutely impossible to test this feature with only a few LAN Update beta
testers, so... We need at least 150-200 registered testers before we can
even start such a LAN Update beta.


11-23-2010, 02:37 AM
Hi Friedrich,
while you have absolutely right to make any decisions about SB,
I reserve the right to be unhappy ...

Under "what is planned for future versions" there is LAN Update with no mention
"if there would be more interest".

But. it's ok, I was afraid that you are perfect, and who like the perfect guys anyway? <g>


11-23-2010, 02:37 AM

> while you have absolutely right to make any decisions about SB,
> I reserve the right to be unhappy ...
> Under "what is planned for future versions" there is LAN Update with no
> mention
> "if there would be more interest".
> But. it's ok, I was afraid that you are perfect, and who like the perfect
> guys anyway? <g>

Ask my wife -- I am NOT perfect <bg>

To be fair, the "What Is Planned For Future Versions" section states that it
"should be in one of the next releases" and that "there are certain
important factors that could cause Lindersoft's future development efforts
to differ materially from those anticipated by some of the statements made

But hey, these are theoretical aspects <g>. And I am not saying that we
cancelled the "LAN Update" feature!!!!!!!!

With so many SetupBuilder developers worldwide in more than 80 countries,
adding new functionality has to be a priority-driven processes. There is no
other way to handle this (and we already have a roadmap for 2012). If we
receive multiple requests for the same feature then chances are that it
might get a higher development priority. We don't want to waste development
resources on features that nobody is interested in. For example, there were
183 requests for "Windows 7 Taskbar Progress" support in only 20 weeks.
Hmm, I had no idea that there is such a "progress bar" feature in Windows
7 -- but with nearly 200 requests, we had to add support for it to the next
SB build.

But even with "suboptimal" interest for a "LAN Update" feature in the past,
we tried to get beta testers on board. Unfortunately, 19 registered "LAN
Update" testers is simply not enough <g>.


11-23-2010, 02:38 AM

You may not be aware of this but I'm very interested in LAN update. :)

- Kelly

11-23-2010, 02:39 AM
Hi Kelly,

> You may not be aware of this but I'm very interested in LAN update. :)

Well, I had no idea <vbg> ;-)

Maybe we can generate some more interest in a "LAN Update" feature. Would
it be possible for you to tell the community why you are interested in LAN
Update and what it can/should do for you?

Perhaps other developers also need this kind of capability, but don't know
what the "LAN Update" feature is for.


11-23-2010, 02:39 AM
Kelly should count for '150 registered testers'<g>
-- Roger Due

11-23-2010, 02:40 AM
> Kelly should count for '150 registered testers'<g>

<G> :-)


11-24-2010, 01:33 AM
> Perhaps other developers also need this kind of capability, but don't know
> what the "LAN Update" feature is for.
That's the boat I am in, I might really need this feature and don't know
it ;-)

Seriously, what does the "LAN Update" provide?



11-24-2010, 01:33 AM
from the help:
Web Update already provides an easy and royalty-free way for software
application developers
to simply add live Internet version updating to any program.
LAN Update makes it possible to use the same technology
to add live LAN version updating to any program.


11-25-2010, 02:33 AM
Then Yes I would like to have this. I've been doing something similar to
this since SB4 using my own techniques so having it as part of the
installer would be very nice.

I must confess my ignorance here, if you have a web server on your
internal LAN wouldn't the Web Update accomplish the same thing? There
must be some subtle differences between the two that are currently lost
on me.



11-25-2010, 02:34 AM
Web update will download updated exe to server folder but have nothing to do
with distribuition of
this very same exe to local workstations (if there ARE local exe of course).


11-25-2010, 02:36 AM
Hi Parker,

> Seriously, what does the "LAN Update" provide?

The "Web Update" feature is a comprehensive live updating solution that
automatically manages the downloading and installation of the latest version
of an application, eliminating the need for software producers to contact
end-users whenever there is an update, patch or new release. This solution
requires a HTTP server and makes use of the HTTP protocol.

The "LAN Update" feature allows you to provide updates via a shared network
folder and does NOT require a HTTP server.

So with this additional solution, you can provide updates via an internal
HTTP server, or via a shared network folder.


11-27-2010, 04:04 AM
?I would also be interested ...
(and available as a beta tester)
Dave Beggs

11-27-2010, 04:05 AM
> I would also be interested ...
> (and available as a beta tester)

Thank you, Dave!!


11-27-2010, 04:06 AM
Gutten tag Deutchland <g>

Count me in also please

Cordialement - Best regards
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For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
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DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
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11-27-2010, 04:07 AM
> Gutten tag Deutchland <g>
> Count me in also please

Added to the beta list :-)


11-29-2010, 01:28 AM
Beta List ME



Dan Scott
C55 C6.3 C7.1 LEGACY

King of questions for Clarion Third Party

Plan A is always more effective when the device you are working on
understands that Plan B involves a larger hammer

11-29-2010, 01:29 AM
> Beta List ME

Done! Thank you, Dan.
