View Full Version : Register C7 templates

12-09-2010, 01:37 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I know this is not a SB issue, but would it be possible to have a window pop
up (optionally) while you make the call to ClarionCL.exe to register
templates in C7? This can take forever (I've got one up right now that's
been at it for 2+ minutes, not sure if it's locked up - yep it locked up)

Anyway, would it be possible to have an option to open a window with
something like: "Registering templates" or something like that while it is
doing this? I'd be happy with it being an option in the "Register Clarion
Templates" function:)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com - www.altawebworks.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-09-2010, 01:38 AM

> Anyway, would it be possible to have an option to open a window with
> something like: "Registering templates" or something like that while it is
> doing this? I'd be happy with it being an option in the "Register Clarion
> Templates" function:)

The same progress window used during installation displays the TPL's
being registered... at least from what I've seen!<g>

One place I wish it would display some text is when UN-registering
since if you have several TPL's it indeed does appear locked up.

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Report Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/
---Enroll Today---: http://CWaddons.com

Enhanced Reporting: http://www.cpcs-inc.com

12-09-2010, 01:38 AM
Hi Lee,

> The same progress window used during installation displays the TPL's
> being registered... at least from what I've seen!<g>

Correct, but the problem is that this window is in a tight loop waiting for
the ClarionCL.exe to return (probably with WaitForSingleObject). If the
install loses focus the install window doesn't repaint until ClarionCL.exe
returns. An option would be to start a window on it's own thread before
ClarionCL.exe is called and kill it once it returns. That window could show
a message like "Registering templates, please wait..."

Something like:

Thread = Start(WaitWindow...)
Run the ClarionCL.Exe

Also, when using the old IDE it seems that there is a delay while the IDE is
run and DDE connection established _before_ it displays the string about
registering the template. Until then it displays the last message (in most
of my installs it is about the last file in the file queue being copied, but
the copy-file progress bars have already been hidden).

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com - www.altawebworks.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-09-2010, 01:39 AM

> Correct, but the problem is that this window is in a tight loop waiting for
> the ClarionCL.exe to return (probably with WaitForSingleObject).

Got it.

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Report Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/
---Enroll Today---: http://CWaddons.com

Enhanced Reporting: http://www.cpcs-inc.com

12-09-2010, 01:39 AM
Hi Arnór,

> Correct, but the problem is that this window is in a tight loop waiting
> for the ClarionCL.exe to return (probably with WaitForSingleObject). If
> the install loses focus the install window doesn't repaint until
> ClarionCL.exe returns.

In SetupBuilder 7.3, there is the following improvement:

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Progress Dialog" runs on its own thread to
avoid possible dead-locks when launching external applications
with the "Wait for Program" option enabled.

So the Progress Dialog "should" repaint itself in SB73.


12-10-2010, 01:46 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Progress Dialog" runs on its own thread to
> avoid possible dead-locks when launching external applications
> with the "Wait for Program" option enabled.

Those installs were built with 7.3.3162. They showed deadlock during the
template registration process.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com - www.altawebworks.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php