View Full Version : SB7 crash

12-11-2010, 02:28 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Having some trouble with 7.3.3166:

1. Code Signing process failed a couple of times then works ok.
The screen crop attached (SB7Crash.jpg) shows 2 file not found
messages but all the files that I know about are there and it has
previously worked after a couple of tries. Now I am getting the
message in the second crop (Code Sign Fail.jpg) continuously. I turned
off code signing the installer and the compile finishes OK. Turning it
back on reproduces the error code 2 on code sign.

2. Code Signing process failed then SB7 crashed:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: sb7.exe
Application Version: 7.3.3166.0
Application Timestamp: 4d00a3a6
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18005
Fault Module Timestamp: 49e03821
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0006803d
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: 7ca6
Additional Information 2: 3bdb140cab16333c6410e073d60b9933
Additional Information 3: 8234
Additional Information 4: 85e72ff7b097e522177d047e65290bbb

Debug Trace:
Heap handle: 01B50000
start process
Debug active process 00001F0C
event 0000014C
Redirection file :> C60EE.RED
CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT ! No image name found
BaseOfImage 00400000
CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: process main thread tid=00001C80
thread handle=000000F8
ntdll.dll Loaded at: 77750000
No debug information
thread handle=00000118
thread handle=0000011C
thread handle=00000120
thread handle=00000124
thread handle=00000128
thread handle=0000012C
thread handle=00000130
thread handle=00000134
thread handle=00000138
thread handle=0000013C
thread handle=00000140
KERNEL32.dll Loaded at: 760F0000
No debug information
ADVAPI32.dll Loaded at: 77440000
No debug information
RPCRT4.dll Loaded at: 75E90000
No debug information
COMCTL32.dll Loaded at: 74CE0000
No debug information
msvcrt.dll Loaded at: 776A0000
No debug information
GDI32.dll Loaded at: 75F60000
No debug information
USER32.dll Loaded at: 773A0000
No debug information
SHLWAPI.dll Loaded at: 76280000
No debug information
COMDLG32.dll Loaded at: 763B0000
No debug information
SHELL32.dll Loaded at: 76860000
No debug information
DSCAN.dll Loaded at: 10000000
No debug information
fscan.dll Loaded at: 00160000
No debug information
FWATCH.dll Loaded at: 00210000
No debug information
HHCTRL.OCX Loaded at: 5E760000
No debug information
ole32.dll Loaded at: 76710000
No debug information
OLEAUT32.dll Loaded at: 75E00000
No debug information
HTTP32.dll Loaded at: 00020000
No debug information
WS2_32.dll Loaded at: 761D0000
No debug information
NSI.dll Loaded at: 77390000
No debug information
LSPACK.dll Loaded at: 00290000
No debug information
LSPATCH2.DLL Loaded at: 00350000
No debug information
lspuzipx.dll Loaded at: 00870000
No debug information
LSPZIPX.dll Loaded at: 00930000
No debug information
MPR.dll Loaded at: 75830000
No debug information
oledlg.dll Loaded at: 72280000
No debug information
sbmsic20.dll Loaded at: 00EE0000
No debug information
msi.dll Loaded at: 6D3E0000
No debug information
VERSION.dll Loaded at: 755B0000
No debug information
SBPATCH.dll Loaded at: 00370000
No debug information
sbutil.dll Loaded at: 00F80000
No debug information
sbvar.dll Loaded at: 00380000
No debug information
SSCAN.dll Loaded at: 00390000
No debug information
WININET.dll Loaded at: 76430000
No debug information
Normaliz.dll Loaded at: 779A0000
No debug information
urlmon.dll Loaded at: 75FB0000
No debug information
iertutil.dll Loaded at: 76520000
No debug information
WINSPOOL.DRV Loaded at: 73600000
No debug information
IMM32.dll Loaded at: 77370000
No debug information
MSCTF.dll Loaded at: 762E0000
No debug information
LPK.dll Loaded at: 778B0000
No debug information
USP10.dll Loaded at: 76200000
No debug information
SETUPAPI.dll Loaded at: 77510000
No debug information
USERENV.dll Loaded at: 75CB0000
No debug information
Secur32.dll Loaded at: 75C90000
No debug information
PROPSYS.dll Loaded at: 74900000
No debug information
CLBCatQ.DLL Loaded at: 77910000
No debug information
UxTheme.dll Loaded at: 742A0000
No debug information
btkeyind.dll Loaded at: 011D0000
No debug information
RSAENH.dll Loaded at: 75400000
No debug information
NTMARTA.dll Loaded at: 75210000
No debug information
WLDAP32.dll Loaded at: 778C0000
No debug information
PSAPI.DLL Loaded at: 75D60000
No debug information
SAMLIB.dll Loaded at: 758B0000
No debug information
ITSS.dll Loaded at: 66B30000
No debug information
IEFRAME.dll Loaded at: 708A0000
No debug information
sxs.dll Loaded at: 75B70000
No debug information
apphelp.dll Loaded at: 75C30000
No debug information
MSHTML.dll Loaded at: 657F0000
No debug information
msls31.dll Loaded at: 694B0000
No debug information
MLANG.dll Loaded at: 6CC70000
No debug information
mscoree.dll Loaded at: 6FA30000
No debug information
mscoreei.dll Loaded at: 6F520000
No debug information
mscorie.dll Loaded at: 63F00000
No debug information
MSVCR80.dll Loaded at: 72A50000
No debug information
msimtf.dll Loaded at: 69E50000
No debug information
JSCRIPT.dll Loaded at: 67AB0000
No debug information
ImgUtil.dll Loaded at: 6A830000
No debug information
PNGFILTER.DLL Loaded at: 69EA0000
No debug information
ITLocal.DLL Loaded at: 66970000
No debug information
WINMM.dll Loaded at: 73700000
No debug information
OLEACC.dll Loaded at: 74260000
No debug information
WINMMDRV.dll Loaded at: 73670000
No debug information
ksuser.dll Loaded at: 73EC0000
No debug information
MMDevAPI.DLL Loaded at: 75130000
No debug information
AVRT.dll Loaded at: 751E0000
No debug information
WINTRUST.dll Loaded at: 74CB0000
No debug information
CRYPT32.dll Loaded at: 756F0000
No debug information
MSASN1.dll Loaded at: 75890000
No debug information
imagehlp.dll Loaded at: 77880000
No debug information
AudioSes.DLL Loaded at: 735D0000
No debug information
audioeng.dll Loaded at: 73390000
No debug information
MSACM32.DRV Loaded at: 73C00000
No debug information
MSACM32.dll Loaded at: 736E0000
No debug information
MIDIMAP.dll Loaded at: 735C0000
No debug information
ncrypt.dll Loaded at: 757F0000
No debug information
bcrypt.dll Loaded at: 75560000
No debug information
GPAPI.dll Loaded at: 75240000
No debug information
slc.dll Loaded at: 756B0000
No debug information
CRYPTNET.dll Loaded at: 6FD40000
No debug information
SensApi.dll Loaded at: 72E90000
No debug information
NETAPI32.dll Loaded at: 75AF0000
No debug information
Cabinet.dll Loaded at: 75170000
No debug information
thread handle=000002BC
Second chance exception at: 777B803D
Program exception Access Violation at 777B803D

Sed Mayne

12-11-2010, 03:49 AM
Hi Sed,

The "File not found" warnings are misleading here. You are using SIGNTOOL
and a .PFX to code-sign, so the .SPC and .PVK files are not required.

I assume the timestamp server was not accessible during the compile.
Perhaps it was temporarily down or your firewall "blocked" access to it.
And of course, make sure your certificate did not expire yesterday <g>

Hope this helps.


12-13-2010, 04:11 AM
*** [Problem solved and thread closed] ***

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner