View Full Version : Default to "upgrade" radiobutton in Setup?

12-16-2010, 08:18 AM

we have a setup that, if started with a path as argument to the OurSetup.exe, should set the Upgrade radiobutton as the default choice instead of New.

First I tried to set the %_SB_SetuptypeID% based on controlling the argument by using the Get System Info(CommandLine) - function. This doesn't work since it looks like this ID is automatically set to "New" when entering the "acceptloop". By making my own "Select Setup Type - dialog" containing two radiobuttons I finally managed to do what I wanted.

But, the standard dialog for this sure looks greater and I would definitely want to use this instead if possible. Another issue is that the summary on the last page of the wizard now doesn't say if the user runs New or Update.

So, is there any way of controlling the SetupTypeID? Any help is very appreciated! :)

12-16-2010, 08:46 AM

Just use the "Set Active Setup Type..." script function and you are done. For example, to set the default to the "Minimal" type (2nd radio button) you only add:

Set Active Setup Type to "Minimal"

See attached screenshot.

Does this help?


12-16-2010, 09:14 AM
That did it! Thanks a lot! :D

12-16-2010, 09:15 AM
You are welcome :)
