View Full Version : Option to automatically Save to Text

12-18-2010, 03:00 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I'd really like an option to automatically save to text when the project is
saved. I like to check the text into version control so I have something to
compare when looking at what changed. This feature would help me not to
forget to commit the text vesion when committing the project.

Either that or some cool utility to compare SB project files :)


12-20-2010, 02:07 AM
Me too!

Markus Zander

12-21-2010, 02:12 AM
Are you talking about the log SB creates? Because I would love to have that
log in xml format so I can import that into a small database so I can check
for duplicates.


12-21-2010, 02:21 AM
Is what you are looking for different than "Save Compiler output to
text file" found on the File menu? It isn't XML, but looks just like
the log output.

I would not have expected something like this to be there but it was!
Just another example of Friedrich's forward thinking.

Bob Roos

12-21-2010, 02:21 AM
Is this different from "File, Save Script to Text File"? or is it just
that you wanted that done automatically without any intervention on the
part of the user?

I had wanted this too and assumed there was no way to do this manually
or automatically until I read your post and checked the program.

Bob Roos

12-22-2010, 02:00 AM
No, I never knew about that one.. but the one I'm talking about is when you
click on report at the bottom of the screen, and you get an html report...
which lists all the files in the install. What I want to do is grab those
fields and put them in a database so I can browse through them, run code,
whatever, so I can check for duplicate files.... or really do whatever I
want to do.

If it was xml, then a person could import the data.

However, I just went into options and found I could have the output sorted
in alpha order... so that takes care of my immediate problem.... never
noticed that before :)


12-22-2010, 02:01 AM
This is what I want. I just want an option to create the text file
automatically when I save the binary .sb7 file.
