View Full Version : Does Update Client Version Number require Admin Rights?

CMS Software
12-20-2010, 07:24 PM
Does the Update Client Version Number feature require admin rights? If it only writes to Ideploy.cli, I assume it does not require admin, but if it writes to the registry then it would. Correct?

-O. D.-

12-21-2010, 01:04 AM

"Update Client Version Number..." (to manually update the version if required) needs a Product GUID and so can only update the version in the registry (this process requires administrator execution level privileges).

To manually update the IDEPLOY.CLI (a standard .INI file) you can use the "Edit INI File..." script function.

BTW, please note that you only have to use the above function(s) if you would like to manually update the version! By default, SetupBuilder handles this process automatically behind-the-scenes.

Does this help?
