View Full Version : Compile Error - Code Signing process failed

12-22-2010, 02:03 AM
I am geting a copile error - error Code -1 on the code signing of the
install. What does that eror code mean. I have checked all the certificate
information including password and all seems to be well there. I have looked
in the help for an error code list and can not find one if it exists. Is
there one?

This is a huge install. There are 804 folders with 2.3 gig of data and it
takes about 45 minutes to compile. Is there a problem when code signiong
large install sets. It compiles ok when I turn off code signing the install
but leave on code signing the app exe.

I am on the latest version of SetupBuilder
Ron Childs
C 6.3 9059

12-22-2010, 02:04 AM
Hi Ron,

The Microsoft SignCode tool does not return any specific error code. Error
Code -1 in the compilere means that the code-signing process failed.

Make sure your firewall does not block access to the timestamp server (if
you are using this feature).


12-22-2010, 02:04 AM
This has nothing to do with your Microsoft Authenticode problem, but do you
plan to use such a huge setup.exe application on UAC-aware systems?

When using an UAC-compliant and code-signed application (in this case, your
"setup.exe") on an UAC-aware operating system (Windows Vista, Windows Server
2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2) with User Account Control active,
there can be a *substantial* delay before the .exe is even executed! During
this time, a Windows UAC function is scanning through the whole file to
retrieve manifest information and to verify the digital signature. This
process takes a significant amount of time. How much time depends upon the
computer's capabilities, but it can take from a few minutes up to one hour
and more in some cases (especially when large executables are launched from
a DVD drive).

See "Custom (for UAC-aware systems)" option in the "General Information"
Media Type.


12-22-2010, 02:04 AM
I had turned the anti virus off and the time stamp worked on the code
signing of the exe.

Ron Childs
C 6.3 9059

12-22-2010, 02:05 AM
Hi Ron,

> I had turned the anti virus off and the time stamp worked on the code
> signing of the exe.

Perfect. BTW, what anti-virus product are you using?

I would suggest to "whitelist" your "sb7.exe" and the "signcode.exe" and
timestamping should also work if you have the anti-virus on. The Microsoft
signcode tool sends a hash of your file to the timestamp server and your
ani-virus tool did not like this action.


12-22-2010, 02:05 AM

I am using Kaspersky but I do not like it. I am looking for a new internet
security suite.

Ron Childs
C 6.3 9059

12-23-2010, 02:46 AM

I checked that out and changed the Media Type to "Custom (For UAC-aware

What does that do for me?
Ron Childs
C 6.3 9059

12-23-2010, 02:47 AM

From the SB help file (look in Program Reference | General Information |
General Information Properties | Generator Settings)

" SetupBuilder 7 provides a solution to this problem. The "Custom (for
UAC-aware systems)" option lets you compile your large installation into a
small setup.exe and a setup.bin file (with an option to generate a
multiple-volume disk set). "

So instead of the computer's UAC process having to scan and verify the
code-signing on your entire installer before the user sees the "do you want
to run this" warning window, it just has to verify the (small) code-signed
..EXE file.

The downside is that the .bin file(s) are not code-signed. And as far as I
know, SetupBuilder's own integrity check doesn't protect the .bin file(s).
So this would best be used when installing from relatively reliable media
(such as a DVD).


12-23-2010, 02:47 AM

I am using Vipre (Sunbelt software) and it seems pretty good, and non-intrusive. Lots
of configurable values.

John Griffiths

12-26-2010, 11:05 AM
Thanks Jane,

I need to learn how to use the SB help. I looked around in the help and did
not find the section you pointed out.

Ron Childs
C 6.3 9059

12-26-2010, 11:06 AM
Thanks John,

I will check it out.

Ron Childs
C 6.3 9059