View Full Version : UAC Manifest causes changes in my program?

12-27-2010, 11:28 AM
Hi Lindersoft,

In our software, on just about every screen, you can hold down the alt key and press a letter to execute an option or open a menu. Like hold alt and press R and it executes a process instead of using your mouse and clicking on a button to do the same thing.

Well, after embedding the UAC manifest into our program from the setupbuilder application, this function is lost. Now when I try to hold down Alt and press R, it highlights the key that should execute but it doesn't execute.

Any ideas on what would cause this? I wouldn't think that embedding the UAC manifest would not alter our program, but after a couple hours of testing that is the case. I went to an earlier installer build and tried the older version and the function is there. So I took the working version and recompiled it in setupbuilder without the UAC manifest code and it still worked. So I then recompiled the application a third time, this time with the code for embedding the UAC manifest included. After compiling, I tried the old version again and now the alt key function is not working. So it defiantly seems that with the UAC manifest embedded, our alt key function is lost.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


12-28-2010, 03:00 AM

First of all, this has nothing to do with SetupBuilder at all. If you use the "#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive then the SetupBuilder compiler embeds (by default) a standard Win7-aware UAC manifest.

You have to check this with the vendor of your development tool. Manifest resources are XML files that describe the dependencies that an application uses. So using a manifest file defines which of the Windows common control DLLs the application should use (version 5.0 or later). It seems to me that your development tool is out-of-date and does not correctly support these new common controls.

I would suggest to contact the vendor of your development system to see if they have an updated version available.

Does this help?
