View Full Version : error oxc00002

01-05-2011, 03:02 AM
Anyone know if this error is related to the SetupBuilder embedded manifest
in a C7/c6 app? Google search says it is permissions based.

01-05-2011, 03:08 AM

> Anyone know if this error is related to the SetupBuilder embedded manifest
> in a C7/c6 app? Google search says it is permissions based.

If your application does not give this error code if no manifest is embedded
then yes, it is caused by the application manifest. A manifest changes the
behavior of your app!

An application manifest contains settings that inform Windows how to handle
a program when it is started (Application Launch Behavior). The manifest
informs Windows which version of a DLL (e.g. which version of the Windows
common controls) a program is dependent of and provides information to
Windows Vista, 2008 (R2) and Windows 7 if the application requires
administrator privileges or if standard user privileges are enough.

If the application manifest causes your app to terminate with error
0xC0000002 then your application (or a 3rd-party product) is not compatible
with one of the requested common controls or execution levels.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-06-2011, 01:32 AM
Thanks Larry
Overnight I found that it is dead easy to add a manifest in C7 by using the
Project / Add / Library,Object manifest option but there is no way to remove
that without physically editing the prj file and rebuilding the app from the

I have removed the manifest from Global Properties / Actions / App Setings /
XP/Vista manifest and am letting SB7 add it in for me along with code

The above is working on my XP / Vista / Win7 64 machines but I'll test it
today on the New Zealand site as that is the only site experiencing the


01-06-2011, 01:32 AM
Hi Freidrich (sorry about the Larry!)
The manifested app works here on XP3, Vista and Win7 on both peer to peer
and TS networks. Just uploaded to NZ site and although it runs fine on their
main pc, it will not load on the terminal. They are using XP3 Rel2 on both
machines. The app is being manifested by SB7 with no manifest setup in C7.2.
Any further ideas?

01-06-2011, 01:33 AM

Dang, ya gotta watch those Larry guys <g>

Are you certain the Windows errorcode isn't 0xC0000022?

We've recently encountered this error after an update and renaming the
shared folder and copying it's contents to a new folder fixes it. We're
still trying to replicate the problem and determine what permissions are
wrong. In our case, it always happens after an update done via a
Setupbuilder install... but I'm pretty sure it's something we're doing...

Larry Sand

01-06-2011, 01:34 AM
Just toss them a crumb every now and then, and they're relatively

>Dang, ya gotta watch those Larry guys <g>

Jeff Slarve

01-06-2011, 01:35 AM
Hi Nev,

> The manifested app works here on XP3, Vista and Win7 on both peer to peer
> and TS networks. Just uploaded to NZ site and although it runs fine on
> their main pc, it will not load on the terminal. They are using XP3 Rel2
> on both machines. The app is being manifested by SB7 with no manifest
> setup in C7.2. Any further ideas?

No, I do not have any further idea.

Assuming that this app works fine on their terminal machine(s) without a
manifest (did you check this?), you'll see this issue with any standard
manifest for UAC- and Win7-aware applications on these machine(s). In other
words, just manifest (UAC- and Win7-aware) the same app with Clarion and
you'll notice the same behavior.


01-07-2011, 02:31 AM
Thanks guys and it is 0xC0000022, not as I originally posted. Looking up on
Google points to permissions, mostly for folders and not for the app. Some
suggest that there is a registry problem. I have Registry Mechanic running
in the background here and just cannot get the fault. Maybe the site has had
some upgrade or something but the manager at the site says it occured after
an upgrade from me around 3 weeks back. I've had lots of other sites upgrade
my app since then and none of them suffer the same error. Today I could see
that their previous tech had lots of security settings in place but they
have sacked him and got a newbie who says it has to be my application. Pity
they are 3000k away over the ocean.

01-07-2011, 02:31 AM
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED -> 0xC0000022 is definitely a permission issue.


01-07-2011, 02:31 AM
So if the manifest generated by SB7 is built in and the problem still exists
on this one machine, the permission are incorrect on the terminal or the
server? This is a P2P network and the application will not load over the

Today I'll log onto the site and copy the app to the terminal, run the app
locally on the terminal and see if the data can be reached from there. This
is a stand alone app with no dependent dll's.


01-07-2011, 02:32 AM

That's the exact symptoms we're seeing. It's happend twice now and I expect
to see it again. I haven't had access to the machine to see what's wrong
with the permissions on the folder yet. Our techs have renamed the problem
folder made a new folder and copied everything into it and then share the
new one.

That cures the immediate problem but I don't have enough information to know
what's happening yet. It always occurs after a we run an installer to do a
program update. However, it's only happened 2 times out of about 1000
installs. I know that the last machine was Windows XP.

Larry Sand

> So if the manifest generated by SB7 is built in and the problem still
> exists on this one machine, the permission are incorrect on the terminal
> or the server? This is a P2P network and the application will not load
> over the network.

01-07-2011, 02:32 AM
Thanks Larry
I am logging into the site in around one hour and what you suggested is what
I was going to do on their server XP machine. Depending on internet speed
I'll see what happens in the next couple of hours.

01-07-2011, 02:33 AM
Nothing to do with the manifest. All to do with network permissions. The
site called in the local tech who fixed it easily. I'm waiting to find out
from him what he did.

01-07-2011, 02:11 PM

If you wouldn't mind sharing what you learn, I'd appreciate hearing what it

Larry Sand

01-07-2011, 02:11 PM
Hi All
This is what the tech sent back to me overnight.

<quote> The problem was due to some files not having the same permissions as
the rest. I just highlighted All files in the working folder on the front pc
and changed the permissions. I just went ctrl-a in explorer and then
de-selected any selected folders, then went to security, Explorer then
prompted for the fix. </quote.

I knowingly do not set any permissions on the files in the installer except
for the application manifest. Maybe somoone else can answer this one.
