View Full Version : Norton

01-07-2011, 02:37 AM

I got a report from a remote tester of mine that Norton flagged the install as
suspect. I informed them it's a false positive and the install proceeded fine.
Odd that it did not flag the web update as suspect!

Have you any other reports about Norton giving false positives?

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

01-07-2011, 02:37 AM
Hi Russ,

> I got a report from a remote tester of mine that Norton flagged the
> install as suspect. I informed them it's a false positive and the
> install proceeded fine. Odd that it did not flag the web update as
> suspect!
> Have you any other reports about Norton giving false positives?

No, I do not have any other reports. I think your install has a specific
sequence of bytes that triggers the Norton warning. The recommended way to
fix this is to contact Norton and report the false-positive for your

And SetupBuilder 7.3 Build 3162 introduced a new important feature. By
default, the compiler updates the setup executable's PE header TimeDateStamp
value. This is the setup file creation time (rel. to 00:00 on 1 January
1970 in Greenwich, England). Signature-based antivirus systems attempt to
find viral code by looking for characteristic byte sequences in the

Sometimes a simple recompile can already fix this now (because the updated
TimeDateStamp creates more individual PE Portable Executables).

But a report to the virus vendor is still #1.
