View Full Version : Oh dear -- I didn't mean to set a password

01-10-2011, 01:50 AM
I thought I was setting the password on the installation because I was
getting prompted for one and I didn't know it. Thought I would "reset"
it. Nope. I was setting the password for the installation SCRIPT!

and I don't remember what that password is.

Also, after entering the (wrong) password and going back to the "get
started on a recent...." list of projects I click on the project name
again and I am asked if I want to save the changes that were made to my
password protected script that I couldn't get in to. So no changes to
really save.

2 questions --

Is there a way to get past this password thing?

Why am I asked to save changes I didn't make?

Thanks, Bob Roos

01-10-2011, 01:51 AM
Now when I try to access it I get a message that it is corrupt or


There is a file on disk some 612KB so I know it isn't empty.

Guess I will have to start saving sb7 files on a timed basis.

I have been working all afternoon and evening on this. I really would
hate to lose it. Is there a "recovery" service?

Thanks, Bob Roos

01-10-2011, 01:51 AM
I was wrong. It is 3k. It really was empty. I was looking in the
wrong place before.

Sick at heart I happened to look in the projects folder and noticed a
..sb~ file with the same name as my project.

That one is not corrupt, but I still have the password problem....

Somewhat relieved, Bob Roos
bob roos wrote on Sunday, 1/9/2011 :
> There is a file on disk some 612KB so I know it isn't empty.

01-10-2011, 01:52 AM

> I was wrong. It is 3k. It really was empty. I was looking in the wrong
> place before.

First of all, always backup your work <g>. There is even a backup
functionality built-in to handle this ('File' | 'Zip As...')

> Sick at heart I happened to look in the projects folder and noticed a
> ..sb~ file with the same name as my project.
> That one is not corrupt, but I still have the password problem....

You can send me that .sb~ (backup) file and we can recover the password.

Quick note on password protected setup.exe files: it's only possible to
recover the password of .sb7 project files. If you have lost a project file
and you have password protected an install (and forgot the password) then we
can't do anything because such a password is not recoverable.


01-10-2011, 01:53 AM
Try Revelation. I never leave home without it. http://www.snadboy.com/

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

01-10-2011, 01:53 AM
Page not found on the download link at that site, but I see other
places to DL it. BUT, would I trust them?......

I am not sure it would help as the password field is blank to start
with. From what I gather Revelation can see behind the asterisks and
in this case there are none.

Bob Roos

01-11-2011, 02:32 AM
> Bob,

>> I was wrong. It is 3k. It really was empty. I was looking in the wrong
>> place before.

> First of all, always backup your work <g>. There is even a backup
> functionality built-in to handle this ('File' | 'Zip As...')

I was having so much fun I didn't consider it "work"! :)

May I suggest a backup button. It would serve as a reminder to backup
and make it easy to do. Also, QuickBooks has an option to back up
every "nn" times you leave the program. I set it to 1. It can put the
date and time in the backup file name and so multiple backups are
EASILY possible. I realize this could be done with the present scheme,
but it takes extra time and can be forgotten. Sometimes more automatic
is good.

>> Sick at heart I happened to look in the projects folder and noticed a ..sb~
>> file with the same name as my project.
>> That one is not corrupt, but I still have the password problem....

> You can send me that .sb~ (backup) file and we can recover the password.

On its way. Thank you.

Looking back over the threads, I am not the first to confuse the two
password settings. I suspect it is not too common to password protect
scripts. May I suggest a confirmation message when setting the script
password? "You are setting a password for the SB Script. This is not
the installation password to be entered by the user. Do you wish to
proceed?" (or something like that).

> Quick note on password protected setup.exe files: it's only possible to
> recover the password of .sb7 project files. If you have lost a project file
> and you have password protected an install (and forgot the password) then we
> can't do anything because such a password is not recoverable.

Good point. In most cases if taht PW is forgotten you can rebuild the
setup exe with a known password (unless your script is PW protected and
you don't know that one either.....)

Thanks again,

Bob Roos

01-11-2011, 02:34 AM

>> First of all, always backup your work <g>. There is even a backup
>> functionality built-in to handle this ('File' | 'Zip As...')
> I was having so much fun I didn't consider it "work"! :)


> May I suggest a backup button. It would serve as a reminder to backup and
> make it easy to do. Also, QuickBooks has an option to back up every "nn"
> times you leave the program. I set it to 1. It can put the date and time
> in the backup file name and so multiple backups are EASILY possible. I
> realize this could be done with the present scheme, but it takes extra
> time and can be forgotten. Sometimes more automatic is good.

We had such a backup button in SB6, but quite a few developers asked to
remove it and add a File | Zip As... option instead.

In the next build, we'll add an option to append the date/time stamp to an
..zip archive name and a new <Ctrl>+<Z> shortcut that lets you Zip a project.

> Looking back over the threads, I am not the first to confuse the two
> password settings. I suspect it is not too common to password protect
> scripts. May I suggest a confirmation message when setting the script
> password? "You are setting a password for the SB Script. This is not the
> installation password to be entered by the user. Do you wish to proceed?"
> (or something like that).

In all the years, I can only remember four or five developers accidentally
setting the project password instead of a password for the setup.exe <g>

But it's a good idea. We'll add such a project password warning to the next
SetupBuilder maintenance build to avoid this kind of confunsion.

BTW, it is VERY common to password protect scripts :) Especially, if you
have all the serial number and subscription protection logic in the scripts.
And if companies order Team licenses of SetupBuilder, then password
protection for projects is a must-have feature today.


01-11-2011, 02:34 AM
>We had such a backup button in SB6,

Never saw such one....

>...and a new <Ctrl>+<Z> shortcut that lets you Zip a project.

Ctrl+Z us usually the UNDO shortcut!


01-11-2011, 02:35 AM

>>We had such a backup button in SB6,
> Never saw such one....

See attached screenshot.

>>...and a new <Ctrl>+<Z> shortcut that lets you Zip a project.
> Ctrl+Z us usually the UNDO shortcut!

Good point. We'll have to find another shortcut.


01-11-2011, 02:37 AM
I was thinking of a backup icon/button at the highest level and not
just in the editor.

To me Zip is not as 'warm fuzzy feeling' as "Backup".

Bob Roos

friedrich linder wrote on Monday, 1/10/2011 :
> See attached screenshot.

01-11-2011, 02:37 AM
> I was thinking of a backup icon/button at the highest level and not just
> in the editor.

Yes, such a backup button was there in V5.


01-11-2011, 02:38 AM
What about a button that is just next to Debug? call it "Backup". It
would be a visual reminder to backup.

friedrich linder wrote on Monday, 1/10/2011 :
> In the next build, we'll add an option to append the date/time stamp to an
> ..zip archive name and a new <Ctrl>+<Z> shortcut that lets you Zip a project.

Bob Roos

01-11-2011, 02:38 AM
> What about a button that is just next to Debug? call it "Backup". It
> would be a visual reminder to backup.

Well, we had it on the toolbar (IIRC) in V5.1 in October 2005. Users asked
to move it to the Script Editor <g>.

But we'll add a quick shortcut in the next maintenance build. The main
problem is that we have so many users in 80+ countries around the world and
we get a lot of contradictory requests.


01-11-2011, 02:39 AM
I think just putting the warning text next to the button to set the PW
for the script would be enough of a reminder.

I remember now getting caught in this a year ago on my first SB usage.
Then I didn't use it for a long time and got caught again.

friedrich linder wrote on Monday, 1/10/2011 :
> But it's a good idea. We'll add such a project password warning to the next
> SetupBuilder maintenance build to avoid this kind of confunsion.

Bob Roos

01-11-2011, 02:40 AM

> I think just putting the warning text next to the button to set the PW
> for the script would be enough of a reminder.
> I remember now getting caught in this a year ago on my first SB usage.
> Then I didn't use it for a long time and got caught again.

Already added to password dialog :)


01-11-2011, 02:40 AM
Damn you are good! :)

Bob Roos

01-11-2011, 02:41 AM
> On its way. Thank you.

BTW, not received yet.


01-11-2011, 02:41 AM
>> On its way. Thank you.
> BTW, not received yet.

Password sent.


01-11-2011, 02:41 AM
Oh yes we are! <wink>

Thanks, Bob Roos

btw, I aspire to provide a similar level of service to my customers.

01-11-2011, 02:43 AM

Please check out the "save" request when trying to start a password
protected script that failed the password entry previously.

The sequence is:

Password protect a script and leave SB
Start SB and click on the script and it asks for a PW
enter the wrong password and click to get back to the recent project
click on the project to try the PW again and I get a message "the
script ... has changed. Do you want to save the changes?"

It really had NOT changed from my perspective, but worse yet if you say
YES then it destroys the script you had.

Bob Roos

01-11-2011, 02:44 AM

> Please check out the "save" request when trying to start a password
> protected script that failed the password entry previously.
> The sequence is:
> Password protect a script and leave SB
> Start SB and click on the script and it asks for a PW
> enter the wrong password and click to get back to the recent project list.
> click on the project to try the PW again and I get a message "the script
> ... has changed. Do you want to save the changes?"
> It really had NOT changed from my perspective, but worse yet if you say
> YES then it destroys the script you had.

Yes, this is definitely a bug. It should not ask for a save in this
scenario and it should not empty the .sb7 project file. We'll fix this in
the next build.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


01-11-2011, 02:48 AM
I wondered if you had not received it.

Sent to friedrich at lindersoft dot com at 6:53am EST (gmt-5).

Is there someother place I should send it?

Thanks, Bob

01-19-2011, 01:50 AM
> First of all, always backup your work <g>. There is even a backup
> functionality built-in to handle this ('File' | 'Zip As...')

I keep my SetupBuilder scripts under the same version control system
that I use for the program sources themselves (Y'all do use some form of
version control (Subversion, Git, etc), don't you?). This provides not
only backup, but history.

- --
Ben Coleman
CTO, Accelerated Design, Inc.