View Full Version : Desktop icons on win7 machines

01-13-2011, 01:46 AM
On my install I place a desktop icon using an icon in the exe file. Has
always worked fine but people with win7 machines are reporting that icon
does show up on their machines. Refreshing the desktop does not display it

Are there any changes that needs to made for win7 users.

Don Harvey

01-13-2011, 01:47 AM

> On my install I place a desktop icon using an icon in the exe file. Has
> always worked fine but people with win7 machines are reporting that icon
> does show up on their machines. Refreshing the desktop does not display
> it either.
> Are there any changes that needs to made for win7 users.

Perhaps you install it into the wrong directory? Post your project (or send
it to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com) and we can tell you what is going


01-13-2011, 01:47 AM
BTW, please also send (or post) one of the Win7 uninstall .log files.


01-13-2011, 01:49 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

Attached is the project file. Will get the log file from the customer win7

Don Harvey

01-13-2011, 02:11 AM
Hi Don,

> Attached is the project file. Will get the log file from the customer
> win7 machine.

Okay, I see what your problem is. Your main problem is that the
installation is not mixed-mode compliant (and it's not even

See attached screenshots. You are doing an "asInvoker" installation (you
should not do this) and as a result, the shortcut is not visible on all
Desktops. It depends on the currently logged-in user. And on top of this,
you are using the "Enable Access For All Windows Users" Shortcut option.

I think your users are logged in as "Administrator". If they run your
install, it is impossible to create the Shortcut on the "Admin" Desktop.
Even if you disable the above "Enable Access For All Windows Users" Shortcut
option (UAC-aware operating systems do not support this), it will not work.

If you disable the "Enable Access For All Windows Users" Shortcut option
then the user has to be logged-in as "Standard User" to see the Shortcut.

To sum it up, what you are doing is incorrect. To fix it, set the "UAC
Execution Level" to "requireAdministrator" and disable the "Enable Access
For All Windows Users" Shortcut options.

Does this help?

And please allow me a quick note: code-signing is a must have today if you
are installing to modern UAC-aware operating systems!

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows 7 installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-14-2011, 01:41 AM

Thank you for taking the time to review this - YES, it solved the problem.

You are right, this year I do need to address code-signing, just have not
wanted to spend the time - it is called the laziness factor.

Thanks again.

Don Harvey

01-14-2011, 01:42 AM
Hi Don,

> Thank you for taking the time to review this - YES, it solved the problem.
> You are right, this year I do need to address code-signing, just have not
> wanted to spend the time - it is called the laziness factor.
> Thanks again.

You are very welcome :)


01-15-2011, 03:05 AM
I'm a little confused (nothing new here)... I have had my installs as
requireadministrator and they seem to work fine... however, if I disable the
shortcuts 'enable access for all windows users' would it then only show the
shortcuts for the user that was logged in? I may not be seeing a problem
here because most of my customers probably have only one user on their
system. If I leave it checked, what is the consequence?



01-15-2011, 03:05 AM
Ray, Ray, Ray, how could that possibly be confusing?? <g>

The default behavior of SetupBuilder is to **ignore** that check-box and
install shortcuts for everybody.

From the documentation topic "Create Shortcut" -

" Enable Access for All Windows Users (per-USER installations only)
This option is ignored if you do a per-MACHINE installation.

If you do a per-USER installation (not recommended!), set indicates you
want the shortcut to appear in the list of personal shortcuts for the user
installing your application or in the list of shortcuts that are common to
all users if not set. In a per-user installation, the installer flag
$SB_ALLUSERSFLAG$ is not set (see Set Installer Flag and User Info Dialog).

You should never do any per-USER configuration from an elevated installer.
Only per-MACHINE tasks should be handled from an installation that requests
administrator execution level privileges. "

So... how or why would you do a per-user installation?

From the documentation topic called "Set Installer Flag"

"$SB_ALLUSERSFLAG$-If flag set, the software will be installed for all
users. If not set and the destination computers is running Windows NT,
Windows 2000, Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows Server 2008, or Windows 7 it
will be installed for the current user."

But then, I'm not sure whether Friedrich's reply to you contradicts some of
this, because I think that checkbox is still ignored even if you do a
requireAdministrator installation.

In any event, do a requireAdministrator installation and SB will install
your shortcuts for all users.
