View Full Version : Post to HTTP Server Problem

01-22-2011, 02:08 AM
Using SB 7.3.3195. In my SB install, I issue a 'Post to HTTP Server'
command with the URL I want to post to and the Text to post. This URL
is a little webservice that reads a database in house to verify that
this is really one of customers. If they are not, the install exits.
The problem is nothing is returned from the post, nothing in %
_SB_RETURN%, %_SB_RETURNEX%, and %_SB_ERRORCODE%. Using WireShark, I
see my post and what I expect to be returned but the response is not in
%_SB_RETURN%. This same webservice is called by my application using
NetTalk and it works. The SB install works at over 70 customers but I
have 3 that it does not. There is nothing in common for the 3, one is a
W2008R2 64bit and the other 2 are W2003R2. Any ideas?

Dee Witham
Professional Data Services, Inc

01-22-2011, 05:21 AM
Hi Dee,

> Using SB 7.3.3195. In my SB install, I issue a 'Post to HTTP Server'
> command with the URL I want to post to and the Text to post. This URL
> is a little webservice that reads a database in house to verify that
> this is really one of customers. If they are not, the install exits.
> The problem is nothing is returned from the post, nothing in %
> _SB_RETURN%, %_SB_RETURNEX%, and %_SB_ERRORCODE%. Using WireShark, I
> see my post and what I expect to be returned but the response is not in
> %_SB_RETURN%. This same webservice is called by my application using
> NetTalk and it works. The SB install works at over 70 customers but I
> have 3 that it does not. There is nothing in common for the 3, one is
> a W2008R2 64bit and the other 2 are W2003R2. Any ideas?

If it works on all the other machines then I think it is machine specific.
Perhaps a firewall or virus scanner "blocks" access to your server.
