View Full Version : question about PWUTIL errors

01-22-2011, 05:21 AM

I posted in the C7 newsgroup about an issue I have after installing
C7.3 vs of Setup Builder. I don't know if SB is the cause but thought I
would ask here. Does Setup Builder use PWUTIL, or modify the C7.2
environment at all?
Others suggested a possible template that might cause the problem so I
removed it. Now I get a single error:

Duplicate symbol: _DoReleaseLocks@Fi in DB3PON.OBJ, TPSPON.OBJ - C:\C7
Development\BreastDatabase\100_Main\map\release\Wi nBrst71.MAP:1

Can you provide any clues or direction?


Jeff King

01-22-2011, 05:21 AM
Hi Jeff,

> I posted in the C7 newsgroup about an issue I have after installing C7.3
> vs of Setup Builder. I don't know if SB is the cause but thought I would
> ask here. Does Setup Builder use PWUTIL, or modify the C7.2 environment
> at all? Others suggested a possible template that might cause the
> problem so I removed it. Now I get a single error:
> Duplicate symbol: _DoReleaseLocks@Fi in DB3PON.OBJ, TPSPON.OBJ - C:\C7
> Development\BreastDatabase\100_Main\map\release\Wi nBrst71.MAP:1
> Can you provide any clues or direction?

No, SetupBuilder does not make use of PWUTIL. And SetupBuilder is
completely language independent. It does not modify your Clarion
environment at all!

Does this help?


01-23-2011, 03:50 AM

Thanks for confirming that. I have decided to jump to C7.3. I'm
getting all the C7.3 installs for all the third party tools I use and should
be done by the end of the weekend.

