View Full Version : Setup Builder Developer - File Locations

01-27-2011, 08:20 PM
Hello Everyone,
I'm new to this site and I had a few questions regarding setup builder. First let me say that I have used WISE Installation System 9 in the past when I worked with VB6. I also have InstallAware 8 Studio. I tried to create a setup using InstallAware but It is quirky and does not install some items (ie... Icons, some files, etc.) I need a reliable Setup program because after all, it is the first impression a potential customer will see, that is why i choose to evaluate Setup Builder.
With that being said, I have a program I developed in VS2008(VB.NET) I choose not to use any references to the registry. I built a setup project without touching the script. After the first try, and on my test machine, Setup Builder Installed every file I placed into the program. VERY IMPRESSIVE(No drama).
My first question is this:
If I wanted ALL users to access my program, database, Desktop Icons, in a common location accessible to ALL USERS whether they are using XP,Vista, or Windows 7 (x86) how would I go about this?
Second :
Does Setup Builder support skinning ? (I used DevExpress) controls and Skinning for My Application. Can you Edit the dialogs to match the theme of the program?
Can I build multiple Setup projects (One for the Web, One for Distribution, etc.)
Thank you ahead of time.

01-28-2011, 03:03 AM

First of all, thank you for your kind words!

1.) ALL users question:

To install into the Documents folder in the All Users profile, you can use the built-in variable %_CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS%

BTW, here is an interesting reading:

And this:

And if you are interested, there is an very interesting topic in the free "Learning SetupBuilder Part I".

2.) Skinning support

SetupBuilder does not (and will not) support "skinning". SetupBuilder supports the (industry) standard installation wizards.

BTW, of course, SetupBuilder Developer Edition provides support a "Visual Dialog Editor" (VDE) for quickly customizing the user interface. You can use the VDE to create new dialogs from scratch for your SetupBuilder application. You can visually design dialogs and add items such as static text, text edit fields, graphics, checkboxes, radio buttons, push buttons, combo boxes, list boxes, and more!.

3.) Multiple Setup projects

Yes, you can create multiple setup projects.

If there is any further question, just let me know.
