View Full Version : Corrupt TPS files

02-01-2011, 02:12 AM
I am new to news groups so if I am doing this wrong I appolgize in advance.

I have been using Clarion since the early 90's. My current application
newest version has been running for about 6 months when suddenly in
November I began to experience my TPS files being corrupted. In that case
we had just swithced to MS Forefront. Removing Forfornt fixed the problem.
Last night the data corruption returned. I have checked every machine on
the network and cannot find Forefront or MSSECES.exe running. Does anyone
have any other suggestions?



02-01-2011, 02:12 AM
Hi Fred,

You might like to checkout the blog on ClarioMag


Seems there have been changes to how MS Security Essentials etc shows up in
the Registry .

Lots of posts on sv.clarion.clarion7 and
softvelocity.clarion.databasedrivers on this topic.


02-01-2011, 02:13 AM

I'm not convinced MSE causes corruptions as I've a few clients who do have it and
they never have corruptions. It might have been a bad version of MSE, MS updates
it a lot.

Anyway, you might want to add this to your startup DLL (as well as adding the
equivalent in SB):

PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'System\CurrentControlSet \Services\MRXSmb\Parameters','OplocksDisabled','1' )
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\Parameters','EnableOplocks' ,'0')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\Parameters','EnableOpLockFo rceClose','1')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\Parameters','CachedOPenLimi t','0')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\Parameters','Smb2','0')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters','UseOpport unisticLocking','0')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters','UtilizeNT Caching','0')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'System\CurrentControlSet \Services\Rdr\Parameters','UseWriteBehind','0')
PUTREG(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE,'System\CurrentControlSet \Services\VxD\VREDIR','DiscardCacheOnOpen','1')

This also has the net effect of increasing response times on LANs. There is
another Clarion developer who uses the above and his clients also don't suffer
from corruptions. Keep in mind, this has no effect on the server. The reason
this is in the start up as there are monthly updates from MS that do happen to
reset the above to their default values, which is strongly suspected in corrupting
TPS files on a network.


Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-01-2011, 02:14 AM
Thank Russ;

Before I add these line of code I want to make sure I understand what they
are doing. It appears that I will be adding items to the registry to
disable opertunistic locking. I have read several post suggesting the op
locking may be an issue. If this causes some kind of unexpected problem I
assume all I would need to undo this is to reset these values in the
registry to the prior values.

Also can you explain what SB means when you wrote (as well as adding the
> equivalent in SB):

Fred Hinman

02-01-2011, 02:15 AM
SB = SetupBuilder.

I've never had to undo these settings.

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

02-02-2011, 01:40 AM
Thanks Russ;

I will be making the changes you suggest and let you know if it helps.
