View Full Version : Source file not found (Web Install)

02-14-2011, 04:33 PM
First of all, I know there are a number of similar posts, but they do not contain solution for my problem.

I’m using Setup Builder Developer Edition v 7.3.3288

I’m trying to make web install.

To test it I was going to use virtual folder created by IIS 5.1 (on Win XP Prof SP3). It is named “Setup” and has “test” subfolder. MIME type for empty file extensions is set to “applications/octet-stream”. The location "http://boris-wm-pc/setup/test/" is accessible in web browser (“boris-wm-pc” is a name of my PC).

So I have specified “//boris-wm-pc/setup” for “Host Address” and “test” for “Host Directory” (iDeploy Web Installation properties).

After project was compiled (it is named “test_simple”) I have copied all “test_simple_xxxxx” files to “//boris-wm-pc/setup/test” folder. These files are browseable and downloadable from web browser.

When I launch test_simple.exe it gives me error message “Source file not found: //boris-wm-pc/setup/test/test_simple_00001. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.” and then message “Network communication error: 502010093”

Can somebody help me with this problem?

02-15-2011, 01:06 AM
Hello Boris,

"Network communication error: 502010093" is WinSock error code 10093:


The WinSock component can't resolve "//boris-wm-pc/setup". I would suggest to try the IP address for your "//boris-wm-pc/setup" host.

Does this help?


02-15-2011, 01:40 AM
Yes I have tried both and (IP reported by network connection properties). Both work fine in browser but produces the same error in Setup.

Btw I have tried localhost too (the same results).

02-15-2011, 02:33 AM
Perhaps your "Port" is incorrect?

You "only" have a configuration setting issue here. But the main problem is to find out which configuration setting is incorrect.


02-15-2011, 02:42 AM
I have tried to deploy installation files on remote server ad had exactly the same error.

How can I verify my port number (it is default - 80) is correct?

02-15-2011, 02:45 AM
And again - files are downloadable by web browsers!

02-15-2011, 02:51 AM
Hi Boris,

You have defined the port number in your IIS configuration. The default is always 80.


02-15-2011, 02:53 AM
"Web browsers" can also download from, say, a FTP server. So unfortunately, this can't help you to find out what the problem is in your HTTP configuration.


02-15-2011, 02:56 AM
BTW, here is a similar IIS thread (in case you are not using port 80)



02-15-2011, 03:10 AM
I have examined similar threads before staring this one.

Both local IIS (5.1) and remote IIS (6.1) configured to port 80 (I did not change defauklt settings).

Btw, I have workable setup bound to another web-server. But when I change iDeploy settings to any of my servers it produces the same error.

May be I have to configure my sites somehow special?

02-15-2011, 03:16 AM
Yes, I think there is a very specific setting in your IIS configuration that causes it (assuming that your iDeploy settings are all correct).

The problem is that WinSock can't even "connect" to this site. The first WinSock command that initializes the connection already fails with error 10093. So it is not possible to read any HTTP response to find our what the problem might be :-(


02-15-2011, 11:01 AM
Finally I was able to solve the problem.

It appears "Host Address" may not include "Host Directory" parts.

As example, if "boris-wm-pc" site contains virtual folder "setup/test" I should specify:

Host Address = boris-wm-pc
Host Directory = setup/test

Another settings

Host Address = boris-wm-pc/setup
Host Directory = test

will not work!

At the same time boris-wm-pc/setup/test is valid path for web browser.

02-15-2011, 11:51 AM
Yes, "Host Address" is the domain name or IP address of the Web host that will hold the installation files. "Host Directory" is directory on the Web server that will hold the installation files.

Thanks for the update.
