View Full Version : W7 UAC folders compared to Vista (speed issue)

03-06-2011, 03:26 AM
Hello Fredrich,

As we are nearing the F1 season I hope this will be in "synch" with
speed issues I have encountered recently <g> :

DMC uses UAC aware paths for application and for data
(but maybe something is wrong in my choices ?)

APP (default) goes here [INSTALLDIR] :

DATA (default) goes here :
Set Variable %INSTALL_DATA_PATH% to FUNCTION:Get Special

On a Vista machine all is fine
On a W7 machine DMC becomes VERY SLOW when any "write to hd" task is

The APP folder is NEVER touched by any read or write from the app
The only "things" I have there are exe - dll and some ico files

ALL is done in the DATA folder

MOVING DMC to any ROOT folder ie c:\cgf\xxxx or anything else makes DMC
_fly_ in those tasks

Something which took 6 hours takes 25 minutes (as it should)

Would you have maybe some explaination help tip on this topic please ?

In the meantime I have recommended my DMC users under W7 to move their
folders with a clean full reinstallation .....

Cordialement - Best regards
__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data
www.dmc-fr.com/database_migration.html Certified by Microsoft : "Works
with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server 2008"

03-06-2011, 03:27 AM
Hi JP,

In three weeks, the long F1 wait is over :)

IMO, there must be another cause for your DMC performance slowdown. It
"should" not make a difference whether the DMC.EXE is located under the
Program Files folder tree or on an unprotected folder on the root. Of
course, if the application (or one of your 3rd-party components) tries to
get write access to the (protected) Program Files folder and this silently
fails (internal error handling), then this scenario can cause a performance

Do you see this DMC speed problem on all Windows 7 machines? If yes, do you
see the same performance issue if you have the data in a non-shared
location? For example, c:\dmc\data?

It's very well possible that there is a performance difference between an
application-specific subdirectory of CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS and a non-shared
location. But I think it depends on the configuration and is not UAC
related per-se. And you said that the location of DMC.EXE makes a
difference, so I think there is another cause for it. But I can be wrong.


03-06-2011, 03:28 AM
3 small weeks ... hehe

The exe never tries to write to app folder
templates writing to app folder would leave a "trace" on my machine
(non uac) or on Russ's machine now that he has moved to c:\dmc I

All versions of W7 - but I will need more feedback to affirm this one.

No Russ had the data already under a root folder so it seems the
combination of program Files and Common Docs is the bad one

I'd love to pin down this one to be able to better help my users ....

If you want to test yourself in any virtual let me know and i'll send
you a link and a few files to allow testings



Cordialement - Best regards
__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data
www.dmc-fr.com/database_migration.html Certified by Microsoft : "Works
with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server 2008"

03-06-2011, 03:29 AM
Hi JP,

> All versions of W7 - but I will need more feedback to affirm this one.
> No Russ had the data already under a root folder so it seems the
> combination of program Files and Common Docs is the bad one
> I'd love to pin down this one to be able to better help my users ....

I am sure Microsoft is interested in hearing more about your findings! I
Googled, but did not find any similar "Program Files" folder tree related
Win7 issue.


03-06-2011, 03:29 AM
Gary James gets a clarion app recoknized by Microsoft
JP is asked to trace speed issues in W7 by Microsoft
Fredrich is blacklisted by WikiWho ....


Life is NOT FAIR <vbg>

I'll try to get more data from other users before carrying this tracing
pb ... ;)

Cordialement - Best regards
__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data
www.dmc-fr.com/database_migration.html Certified by Microsoft : "Works
with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server 2008"