View Full Version : Bug (Maybe)

02-12-2005, 06:54 AM
[Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:49 PM]

I have 2 items...

Using SetupBuilder Developer (1042)

1. A possible bug. If you create a new project and accidently :) blank out
the name it will create a project with a name of .sb5. I don't think this is
a major issue but one you might want to address.

2. I have a current install process that uses the Winzip Self-Extractor hat
I am trying to replicate in SetupBuilder. I have a set of files (setup.exe,
files.cab, setuip.ini, etc) Self-Extractor can be configured to compress all
the files into an EXE. When the exe is run it puts all the files in a
temporary folder, executes the setup.exe, then removes all of the temporary

I thought of putting all the files into the Support files area in
SetupBuilder but I can't figure out how to execute the setup.exe (Tried run
program). Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you,
Michael Melby

02-12-2005, 06:55 AM
[Friday, February 11, 2005 1:51 PM]


> Using SetupBuilder Developer (1042)
> 1. A possible bug. If you create a new project and accidently :) blank out
> the name it will create a project with a name of .sb5. I don't think this
> is a major issue but one you might want to address.

I cannot reproduce this :-( If I create a new project blank out the name
then it does not continue. And if I enter only .sb5, it creates an .sb5
file (extension only, no name).

> 2. I have a current install process that uses the Winzip Self-Extractor
> hat I am trying to replicate in SetupBuilder. I have a set of files
> (setup.exe, files.cab, setuip.ini, etc) Self-Extractor can be configured
> to compress all the files into an EXE. When the exe is run it puts all the
> files in a temporary folder, executes the setup.exe, then removes all of
> the temporary files.
> I thought of putting all the files into the Support files area in
> SetupBuilder but I can't figure out how to execute the setup.exe (Tried
> run program). Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.

You have several options here. First of all, I would suggest to replace the
setup.exe with SetupBuilder 5 ;-) But if this is not possible, you can add
all the above files as Support Files. Then use the "Run Program" script
item and enter %TMPDIR%\setup.exe

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder
Fax: 1.954.252.3910

02-12-2005, 06:55 AM
[Friday, February 11, 2005 10:39 PM]

On number 1, that is the behavior I was describing. I did not know if
you thought creating a project with only an extension and no name is OK.

On number 2, thank you for your direction. I think I have it working like I

As always thank you for your great product and your time.

Michael D. Melby

02-12-2005, 07:04 AM
[Saturday, February 12, 2005 2:09 PM]


> On number 1, that is the behavior I was describing. I did not know if
> you thought creating a project with only an extension and no name is OK.

I checked this and most programs allow only an extension. But I agree, this
does not make any sense :) I'll "fix" this, thank you!

> On number 2, thank you for your direction. I think I have it working like
> I want.


> As always thank you for your great product and your time.

Thank you for your kind words :)


Friedrich Linder
Fax: 1.954.252.3910