View Full Version : Adding a shortcut to a folder I created

11-20-2011, 04:14 AM
Using SB I have created a folder in My Documents called Electronic
Invoices. I want to put a shorcut to the application that I am
installing into that folder.

The reason being that my app will process anything dropped onto a
shortcut and the files to be processed will be right there in that
folder. So one does not have to hunt for the desktop, just drag within
the folder.

BUT, I cannot figure out how to add that shortcut.


Thanks, Bob Roos

11-20-2011, 04:15 AM

> Using SB I have created a folder in My Documents called Electronic
> Invoices. I want to put a shorcut to the application that I am
> installing into that folder.

Isn't that what "Location" is for?

Lee White

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11-21-2011, 01:44 AM

> Using SB I have created a folder in My Documents called Electronic
> Invoices. I want to put a shorcut to the application that I am installing
> into that folder.
> The reason being that my app will process anything dropped onto a shortcut
> and the files to be processed will be right there in that folder. So one
> does not have to hunt for the desktop, just drag within the folder.
> BUT, I cannot figure out how to add that shortcut.
> Suggestions?

What Lee said is 100% correct. The "Create Shortcut..." script function
lets you create Shortcuts in any folder location.

-BUT- (and there is always a "but" in life <g>)

It's not a good idea to place anything from your elevated running installer
into the "My Documents" folder. Why? Because "My Documents" is (as the
name implies) a per-user folder. But installations are (by default)
per-machine. So in modern UAC-aware operating systems (Vista, Windows 2008,
Windows 7, Windows 8) you will most likely create the Shortcut in the wrong
location in your case!

The following describes the "per-user" dilemma:


BTW, and it's also not a good idea to create a folder under My Documents
from your elevated running installer! This is against "the rules".

But if you are doing a per-user install (with no write access to protected
Windows resources such as the "Program Files" folder tree,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, etc.), then you can completely ignore the above <g>

Hope this helps.


11-21-2011, 01:45 AM
I was trying to do it from the left side "Shortcuts" and there is no
"location" option there. That is why I was getting confused.

Good points about per user. I will check that out further. Thanks.

Bob Roos

> What Lee said is 100% correct. The "Create Shortcut..." script function lets
> you create Shortcuts in any folder location.