View Full Version : Another small bug...

02-21-2005, 05:33 AM
[Monday, February 14, 2005 10:14 PM]

I found another small bug in the interface of SB5 Developer. Steps to

1. Start SB5
2. Select File, New, Empty Template Project...
3. Select Standard.sb5
4. Click Open
5. Type name of new project
6. Click Save

Take a look at the window title. Mine still says Standard.sb5. I beleive it
should be whatever you named your project. If you close the IDE and reopen
the project it displays is the correct project name.

Along the same lines....
After step 6 if you close the project it wants you to save the changes
to Standard.sb5. If you say yes, you get an error saying the project cannot
be opened and will be removed from the recent list.

Just some small things but it confused me so I thought it might confuse
others (even though I am sometimes easily confused :)).

If this is not clear please let me know.

Michael Melby

02-21-2005, 11:32 AM
[Monday, February 21, 2005 6:37 PM]


Fixed, thank you! :)

Friedrich Linder
Fax: 1.954.252.3910