View Full Version : Setup Builder 4

Darron C. Pitman
11-21-2011, 07:30 PM
Just switched to a 64 bit windows 7 machine... yuck and suddenly I can no longer create installs... I hope someone can help with this error message

ERR: Cannot create 32-bit stub. Setup file seems to be in use!:confused:

as a result I then get two more errors cannot link scripts and cannot make setup executable....

many thx..

11-22-2011, 12:45 AM
Hi Darron,

Long time no hear. I hope you are doing fine.

SetupBuilder Version 4 (dated 2002!!!) is neither UAC- nor Windows 7 or 64-bit compatible ;) So you can't use it on modern UAC-aware operating systems. And setups compiled with older installation systems are not UAC-aware. You need an UAC-aware installation system to create setups for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 8.


11-22-2011, 09:40 AM
I'm aware fo that Friedrich but it works nicely for me and my users but is now broke lol...

On this 64 bit machine I am getting the compile errors, same errors in windows XP mode so am probably missing a file somewhere...

ERR : cannot create 32-bit stub... can you plz shed some light on the error message????

many thx...

11-22-2011, 09:56 AM
Hi Darron,

To be honest, I have not touched the SB4 IDE for years and can't remember the internals <g>. We did the last SB4 source code modification more than nine (9) years ago and the backup is on some old floppy disks (I do not see a floppy drive here in the office <g>). But I think the output folder is not writable or does not exist. Can you please check this? And make sure that you did a full install and you did not just copy the system files over from one machine to another. The IDE depends on some registry entries.

BTW, I am surprised to hear that SetupBuilder 4 starts on a x64 machine <bg>. I did not expect this.


Darron C. Pitman
11-23-2011, 05:39 AM
Freidrich you are a genius - I hadn't got around to setting up the target folders... works perfectly on windows 7 64 bit... and also Virtual XP...

If it ain't broke why fix it... I only have relatively few users... and upgrades pretty much work as they should... simple and works for me :)

Just wish Clarion 5.5 was a little better behaved inside virtual xp... when you call apps from the non virtual drive c55 creates clw files in the bin file not back to where the app was called... wierd... grmbl...

PS am now 51 and I still work so why wouldnt setupbuilder 4 lol...

11-23-2011, 05:44 AM
<VBG> :) Thanks for the update and I am glad that it's working now :)
