View Full Version : "Favorite" Script Functions and Variables

12-13-2011, 01:33 AM
It would be very cool if we could tag certain script functions and
variables as "favorites" via a right-click popup to toggle the

Then have a "favorites" tab to present the filtered list.

I have a few functions that I use frequently, and this would save

Jeff Slarve

12-13-2011, 01:34 AM
Hi Jeff,

> It would be very cool if we could tag certain script functions and
> variables as "favorites" via a right-click popup to toggle the
> setting.
> Then have a "favorites" tab to present the filtered list.
> I have a few functions that I use frequently, and this would save
> time.

You can already do this with functions. In the Script Editor, the Standard
view displays a list of all available functions and the Custom view displays
your customized list of functions.

To customize the List of Functions:

1. To add a new function to the Custom Function List, in the Standard view
select a function and right-click. Select Add to Custom List.

2. To remove a function from the Custom Function List, in the Custom view
select the function and right-click. Select Remove from Custom List.

See attached screenshot.

I'll see if it is also possible to do the same with variables.


12-13-2011, 01:35 AM

> To customize the List of Functions:

No. That's too easy!<g>

Lee White

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12-13-2011, 01:35 AM
Wow! Cool! How long has that feature been there? <g>

Russell B. Eggen

12-14-2011, 02:25 AM
Long enough that it's mentioned in the "Learning SetupBuilder Part I"
treatise ;-)

Jane Fleming