View Full Version : Code Signing Application

12-13-2011, 01:36 AM
Why do I have to look up the file/path name to code sign my app?

Wouldn't it be way better to right-click on a file in my installation
list and say I want to code sign it?

Jeff Slarve

12-13-2011, 01:36 AM
Hi Jeff,

> Why do I have to look up the file/path name to code sign my app?
> Wouldn't it be way better to right-click on a file in my installation
> list and say I want to code sign it?

I like the idea! Unfortunately, it's not that easy. From the technical
point-of-view, an "Install File(s)..." installer function and a "#code-sign
application..." compiler directive are completely different animals and do
not share any information.

In other words, you can't "store" the information required to code-sign an
application in a function that installs a file.


I think it should be possible to add a "Create #code-sign application..."
popup item to the "Files and Folders" Visualizer that lets you automatically
create a "#code-sign application..." compiler directive in the script with
the basic information filled in. I'll see what we can do.


12-14-2011, 02:25 AM
Cool. Thanks.

>I think it should be possible to add a "Create #code-sign application..."
>popup item to the "Files and Folders" Visualizer that lets you automatically
>create a "#code-sign application..." compiler directive in the script with
>the basic information filled in. I'll see what we can do.

Jeff Slarve

12-14-2011, 02:27 AM

> Why do I have to look up the file/path name to code sign my app?

I'm probably off base here (yeah, what's new?<g>) but are you talking
about certificate profiles - set it once and forget about it?

Lee White

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12-14-2011, 02:27 AM
I think he means the code signing compiler command. You do have to get the full
path each time. I just copy/paste the path and then pick the EXE/DLL. A bit
faster that way.

Jeff has a good idea, perhaps a better way is when you add files of EXE/DLL type,
have the option to code sign them per the profile?

Russell B. Eggen

12-14-2011, 02:28 AM

> I think he means the code signing compiler command. You do have to get the full
> path each time. I just copy/paste the path and then pick the EXE/DLL. A bit
> faster that way.

Oh, the target file... never mind!

Lee White

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