View Full Version : SB& and code signing error -1

12-14-2011, 02:48 AM
Just attempted to use SB7 for code signing and get two missing file errors
followed by error -1
The new pfx file is correct as SB6 uses the same file and all is ok. Does
SB7 require the other two files (*.pvk and *.spc) as well and if so how do
you get them?

12-14-2011, 02:49 AM
> Just attempted to use SB7 for code signing and get two missing file errors
> followed by error -1
> The new pfx file is correct as SB6 uses the same file and all is ok. Does
> SB7 require the other two files (*.pvk and *.spc) as well and if so how do
> you get them?


If you are already using a pfx file - the rule is this:

Signtool.exe - Use a certificate in a PFX format.

Signcode.exe - Use a certificate in spc and pvk file format.

So if you are using signtool.exe in SB6 - then continue to use it in SB7 -
it's the better, more modern version of the previous tool - signcode.exe

OK, make sure signtool.exe can be found in SB7 - Tools - Options - Digital
signature location - should have path to signtool.exe

BTW, my company offers a free CHM file that explains a bit of this:

Download at this page:

BUT Jane Fleming's excellent Learning SetupBuilder help file is EXACTLY
what you need -

just click on Learning SetupBuilder help topic on left after SB7 is loaded
- Learning SetupBuilder Part I - Important Windows Stuff - Code-Signing -
Preparing SetupBuilder for Code-Signing

Great screen shots and in depth discussions - I bet if you turn to it now,
you'll get your answer!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Product Description - App Data UAC Safe, MFG - Encourager Software
Internet Link - http://profileexchanges.com/blog/?p=120

12-14-2011, 02:49 AM
Opening Help now.

12-14-2011, 02:50 AM
My installer looks just like Jane's. PFX is in correct location. Tried both
time servers, but still same error. I can codesign easily from a batch file
and turn off signing in SB7 until I get it sorted.

12-15-2011, 01:47 AM
Hi Nev,

> My installer looks just like Jane's. PFX is in correct location. Tried
> both time servers, but still same error. I can codesign easily from a
> batch file and turn off signing in SB7 until I get it sorted.

If you get two missing file errors (GEN1061: File not found) but you are
using a PFX, then you did not switch to the SignTool.exe utility (Tools |
Options... | File Locations -> Digital Signature).


12-15-2011, 01:47 AM
Thanks Friedrich
That fixed it!

12-15-2011, 01:47 AM
> That fixed it!

Perfect. Thanks for the update!
