View Full Version : Code signing certificate... Where is it?

12-15-2011, 01:48 AM
I purchased my code signing cert and according to Comodo I've already installed it. The question is, how in the devil do I get to it?
I've looking in my Internet Options settings, but I'll be darned if I know what I'm looking for. This just isn't rocket science, it shouldn't be this difficult to do.

Ben E. Brady via Samsung Skyrocket

12-15-2011, 01:49 AM
Hi Ben,

> I purchased my code signing cert and according to Comodo I've
> already installed it. The question is, how in the devil do I
> get to it?
> I've looking in my Internet Options settings, but I'll be darned
> if I know what I'm looking for. This just isn't rocket science,
> it shouldn't be this difficult to do.

Here are some interesting readings:


If you can't find it on your machine (e.g. in form of .spc/.pvk) then I bet
it's in your Internet Explorer certificate store. You have to export it to
use it.


12-15-2011, 01:49 AM
BTW, if you have installed it into the certificate store, you can find it

Start –> Control Panel –> Internet Options –> Content –> Certificates


12-15-2011, 01:49 AM
And if you have used, say, Firefox for the ordering process, your
certificate will NOT be installed in the same store used by Internet
Explorer; it will go into Firefox's certificate store!!!!

You then have to use the "key export" feature in Firefox to back up your
certificate and to import the certificate to Internet Explorer's store.
When using the Firefox export, it will send the file out as a .p12 file;
that's not a problem because there is no difference between a .PFX and .P12.
Both are PKCS #12 files (Personal Information Exchange Syntax). Both file
extensions (.pfx and ..p12) refer to files that contain PCKS #12 content.

But if you have used another browser to order, then you have to contact the
browser vendor to find out what to do.


12-15-2011, 01:50 AM
And another quick tip: BACK THE KEY UP IMMEDIATELY!!! Comodo (or another
WebTrust) will not and can not send a copy of it.


12-15-2011, 01:50 AM
Hi Friedrich

Found it. Exported. Backed up to CD-ROM.


Ben E. Brady

12-15-2011, 01:50 AM
Hi Ben,

> Found it. Exported. Backed up to CD-ROM.

Perfect! You are very welcome.
