View Full Version : WebUpdate / wucheck default behavior change request.....

12-30-2011, 02:55 AM
I might be missing something but this is a problem I run into all the

A user downloads and installs my software into a shared network drive.
Other users create shortcuts - all is good...

Until a user clicks webupdate.....

The user that installed the software will get a notice saying there is a
new version available.
All other users will get a message saying they have the most recent
version. This is because there are no registry entries....

What would be nice is if there was a return code from wucheck to
indicate that the setup was not installed on this machine / there were
no entries.

I'd use this info 2 ways. 1 to notify the user that they didn't install
the software and 2 to disable the webupdate button I place on the toolbar.

I know that I could:
1 - customize wucheck or
2 - do my own check for the registry entries

but I think this should be a default behavior because....
1 - returning 0 is misleading behavior
2 - having to check registry entries in my application is just another
thing I'd have to remember to change/check - and I'm lazy and forgetful.


12-30-2011, 02:56 AM
Hi Paul,

> but I think this should be a default behavior because....
> 1 - returning 0 is misleading behavior

Hmm, if wucheck.exe can't find the registry entries then it should return -1
(and not 0). That's lines 126-130 in the wucheck.sb7 project.

I checked this here and it returned -1. Does it really return "0" in your


12-30-2011, 02:56 AM
I will check. -1 is not documented though...

I'm probably just checking for a 1....

Paul MacFarlane

12-30-2011, 07:39 AM
Hi Paul,

> I will check. -1 is not documented though...
> I'm probably just checking for a 1....

The error codes for wucheck.exe and/or wupdate.exe are not documented in the
manual. The full wucheck.sb7 and wupdate.sb7 source codes are available.

Script Defined Error Codes: wucheck.exe and wupdate.exe

-1 = #ERR_IDEPLOYCONFIG# = "The Web Update client could not locate an
associated application to update. Please make sure that this software is
installed properly."

-2 = "Cannot download server manifest file. Network Communication Error:

-3 = "Server Version File Error: Host Version: %HOST_VERSION% Local Version:

-4 = "Cannot download server manifest file. Network Communication Error:

-5 = "Server Version File Error: Host Version: %HOST_VERSION% Local Version:

-6 = "Cannot download file:

Script Defined Error Codes: wupdate.exe only

-7 = "Cannot download server manifest file. Network Communication Error:
%_SB_ERRORCODE%" Server Version File Error:

-8 = "Host Version: %HOST_VERSION% Local Version: %LOCAL_INI%"

-9 = "Cannot download file:


12-31-2011, 04:08 AM
Thanks. I was just checking for a 1....

Paul MacFarlane