View Full Version : SetupBuilder 7.6 will be released on Monday

01-20-2012, 05:32 AM
Hi folks,

Just wanted to let everyone know that SetupBuilder 7.6 will be released on
Monday. We have added a few more fixes, and want to be able to regress test
them over the weekend.

Thanks and have a great weekend!


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-21-2012, 07:46 AM

Will 7.6 support the 64-bit ACL component?

Best regards,

01-21-2012, 07:47 AM
Hi Jeffrey,

> Great!
> Will 7.6 support the 64-bit ACL component?

No, this will be a V8 feature.


01-21-2012, 07:47 AM
Perhaps we could see a readme?

Russell B. Eggen

01-21-2012, 07:48 AM
> Perhaps we could see a readme?

Sure! It's possible that two more fixes/changes will make it into the list.

SetupBuilder 7.6 Build 3576 (January 23, 2012)

FEATURE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Compiled applications are Windows 8
"Developer Preview" aware to ensure that software gets
installed properly. If an install/uninstall application is not
Windows 8 aware, "Program Assistant Compatibility" mitigation
may kick in.

FEATURE : (sync from SB8) Installer: Add preliminary support for Windows
8 OS detection.

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) Runtime: Add "Automatic Disk Space Validation"
to the "Ready to Install" wizard dialog. The installer
validates available disk space before continuing.

If the "Disable Automatic Disk Space Validation" checkbox is
marked, the installer will not validate available disk space.

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) [SB#107191] Add CSIDL_PROFILE Folder ID to the
"Get Special Folder Path..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) IDE: Add an "Edit field with browse button
(folder)" SKU Entry Type to the "Add Compiler Variable"

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) [SB#107192] Installer: The /E3 event logging
mode command line option lets you set the folder (optional)
and name of the event logging file (/E3 "[folder\]filename").
This creates an unique event logging file. If the filename is
not unique, then a number in round braces will be added to
the filename before the extension, and will continue adding
numbers until the filename is unique.

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) [SB#107193]: Add "Event Log Filename" option
to the "Get System Info..." script function to retrieve the
name of the event log file.

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) [SB#111231] Installer: The "Set Access Control
(Set Registry Key Owner) lets you take ownership of a "Trusted
Installer" registry key (32-bit registry branch) on UAC-aware
operating systems.

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) [SB#105311] The "Get System Information (.NET
Status)" script function can retrieve the "profile" of the
installed .NET Framework 4. If the "Client" is installed, the
%_SB_TMP% variable is set to "Client". If the full Framework is
installed, the %_SB_TMP% variable is set to "Full". If both
"Client" and "Full" profiles are registered, the %_SB_TMP%
variable is set to "Client-Full".

IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB8) [SB#112132] IDE: Add "Do not save subfolder
tree info" option to the File Properties "File Linking" tab. If
enabled, the compiler will recurse into any subfolders and add
the files contained within Source Folder or its subfolders,
but will not store the subfolder tree.

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#112231] IDE: Possible "Corrupt block/
Unknown block type freed. This is probably caused by Freeing a
static variable or a bad pointer. Do you want to GPF?" error
or silent stack corruption issue caused by the HTML/CSV
compiler report generation.

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#107121] Runtime: It was not possible to
display 'read-only' bitmap files on the wizard dialogs.

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#107151] Runtime: Possible SharedFile issue.

FIX : (sync from SB8) IDE: The following functions did not check for
undefined runtime and compiler variables:
-Handle String Operation
-Handle Text File Operation

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#108211] IDE: Change compiler message
"Generating CVS report..." to "Generating CSV report..." (typo)

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#107201] IDE: Possible compiler variable
substitution issue.

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#111182] IDE: Typo in the "Documentation
Live-Update" progress dialog.

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#112011] IDE: The enhanced 'Script Structure
Validation' function (see [SB#105191]) did not detect invalid
.sbi include script files (.sb7 project files renamed or saved
to .sbi).

FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#107091] IDE: A command line compile did
not skip the "Script Structure Validation".

FIX : (sync from SB8) IDE: The F2 key did not edit the selected tree
cell in the Features Visualizer (left pane).

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) [SB#112131] IDE: The "Clarion Edition" did not
support installer application code-signing.

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: The built-in %_SB_DISKSPACEREQ% variable
supports a 64-bit value.

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Rename SKU Entry Type from "Edit field
with browse button" to "Edit field with browse button (file)".

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Minor (time-out) modification in the
internal thread communication management to avoid possible
dead-locks when opening and closing projects.

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) [SB#111181] Installer: Before calling the
SetIconLocation API to set the location (path and index) of
the icon for a Shell link object on x64 operating systems when
running in 32-bit mode, convert the a Program Files folder item
to an environment variable to work around a Windows x64 bug.

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Add "Facebook Page" item to the Help menu.

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) Add $WIN_8$ and $WIN_SERVER2012$ Windows
Version IDs to "Common Definitions.sbi"

CHANGE : (sync from SB8) Remove $WIN_SEVEN$ Windows Version IDs from
"Common Definitions.sbi"

CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client to provide Windows 8
"Developer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Recompiled wucheck.exe web update check client to provide
Windows 8 "Developer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Remanifested pkey.exe code-sign helper to provide Windows 8
"Developer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).


01-21-2012, 07:48 AM

> FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#108211] IDE: Change compiler message
> "Generating CVS report..." to "Generating CSV report..." (typo)

You like messing with my head, don't you?!<g> For some reason I kept
seeing the same text in both quotes... took a while for it to sink in!

Lee White

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Product Release & Update Notices

01-21-2012, 07:48 AM
>> FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#108211] IDE: Change compiler message
>> "Generating CVS report..." to "Generating CSV report..."
>> (typo)
> You like messing with my head, don't you?!<g> For some reason I kept
> seeing the same text in both quotes... took a while for it to sink in!

<G> ;-)


01-21-2012, 07:49 AM
You're welcome! <g>

Russell B. Eggen

01-21-2012, 07:50 AM
Thanks! I always treat these as preliminary and subject to change <G>

Russell B. Eggen

01-21-2012, 07:50 AM
Right on, Friedrich. You rock.

Jeff Slarve