View Full Version : SetupBuilder 7 - Awesome

01-20-2012, 12:17 PM
Hello all,

I purchased SB 7 last Friday. I spend the weekend reading the docs and studying the examples.

Most of my week was spent fine tuning my app and once I had it ready I fired up SB and made a web intall. Took every bit of 10 minutes. I uploaded it to my website to a protected folder and wham! It worked the first time!
Several of my 'beta testers' installed the app from my website and were really happy with the speed of the install.

I am sold! SB is truly the leader in the installer field.

No problems, easy to understand docs, excellent examples. The bottom line though is it worked the first time for me.

Wow! Why didn't I get this years ago? I was using a cheaper, not near as good installer. I spent much more time building a install program that wasn't near as good. Time is money. Lesson learned.

Thank you,

Ted Berry

01-20-2012, 12:22 PM
Wow! Thank you SO MUCH for your very kind words, Ted!!!


Friedrich Linder