View Full Version : In honor of the fabulous support Friedrich provides...

01-22-2012, 04:00 AM
...and to prove no good deed goes unpunished <g>, check out the following link and
where you see "Chuck Norris", replace with "Friedrich".

But put the coffee down first <g>


Russell B. Eggen

01-22-2012, 04:01 AM
Hi Russ,

> ...and to prove no good deed goes unpunished <g>, check out the following
> link and where you see "Chuck Norris", replace with "Friedrich".
> But put the coffee down first <g>
> http://www.chucknorrisjokes.net/


Here are my Top 11 "If Chuck Norris Were A Programmer":

11. Fact: Chuck Norris uses Windows 7 with UAC turned on. He has received
no warnings. Ever.

10. Fact: Chuck Norris doesn't need a debugger, he just stares down the bug
until the code confesses.

9. Fact: Chuck Norris' keyboard doesn't have a Ctrl key because nothing
controls Chuck Norris.

8. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, memory would be afraid to take a

7. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, unstructured data would become
structured. With Chuck around, nobody ever gets out of line.

6. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, application security wouldn't even
be an issue.

5. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, all his programs would be strongly

4. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, none of his functions would have

3. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, his first program wouldn't be 'Hello
World' it would be 'Goodbye Underworld.'

2. If Chuck Norris were a programmer, there would be no exception
handling, because there would be no exceptions ever.

.... and the Number One "If Chuck Norris Were A Programmer" Joke:

1. Fact: Chuck Norris was written in Clarion which itself was written in
Chuck Norris.


01-23-2012, 01:43 AM
Hi Friedrich,
Now THAT'S how you kick butt, Chuck Norris style!

Ben E. Brady

01-23-2012, 01:44 AM

Russell B. Eggen